Dr. Jeremy Weisz is the Co-founder of Rise25, a company that helps B2B business owners connect with their ideal prospects, referral partners, and strategic partners through a done-for-you podcast service. Dr. Weisz has been involved in podcasting for 11 years and was a senior producer for one of the early business podcasts; he assisted in putting all of their systems in place and helped them add volume, feature, and edify various business leaders.
Dr. Weisz has also been running his own podcast, Inspired Insider, since 2011. He has featured top entrepreneurs, founders, and CEOs of companies such as P90X, Atari, Einstein Bagels, Mattel, the Orlando Magic, and many more through video interviews. Dr. Weisz also founded a nutritional supplement business and continues to run his own chiropractic and massage facility, Chiropractical Solutions & Massage.
In this episode of the Smart Business Revolution Podcast, John Corcoran is joined by Dr. Jeremy Weisz, his Co-founder at Rise25, to discuss the five types of thought leadership content to create for a podcast. They explain what a thought leadership episode is, talk about the benefits of these types of content, and explain how they create these episodes for their own podcasts. Stay tuned.
Here’s a Glimpse of What You’ll Hear:
- John Corcoran explains what a thought leadership episode is and why only creating that type of episode is not advisable
- Dr. Jeremy Weisz talks about the origin story type of thought leadership episodes
- What creating a teardown episode involves
- The FAQ type of thought leadership episode
- How a case study episode differs from interviewing a client
- How the give loop thought leadership episode works
- Where to learn more about Rise25
Resources Mentioned In This Episode
- Rise25
- Rise25 contact email: [email protected]
- John Corcoran on LinkedIn
- Dr. Jeremy Weisz on LinkedIn
- Inspired Insider Podcast
- “5 Types of Content You Should Be Creating Now (But Probably Aren’t)” with Dr. Jeremy Weisz
- “How to Make Your Website Visitors Do What You Want with Martin Greif, President of SiteTuners”
- Gary Vaynerchuk on LinkedIn
- Ian Garlic on LinkedIn
Sponsor: Rise25
At Rise25, we’re committed to helping you connect with your Dream 100 referral partners, clients, and strategic partners through our done-for-you podcast solution.
We’re a professional podcast production agency that makes creating a podcast effortless. Since 2009, our proven system has helped thousands of B2B businesses build strong relationships with referral partners, clients, and audiences without doing the hard work.
What do you need to start a podcast?
When you use our proven system, all you need is an idea and a voice. We handle the strategy, production, and distribution – you just need to show up and talk.
The Rise25 podcasting solution is designed to help you build a profitable podcast. This requires a specific strategy, and we’ve got that down pat. We focus on making sure you have a direct path to ROI, which is the most important component. Plus, our podcast production company takes any heavy lifting of production and distribution off your plate.
We make distribution easy
We’ll distribute each episode across more than 11 unique channels, including iTunes, Spotify, and Google Podcasts. We’ll also create copy for each episode and promote your show across social media.
Cofounders Dr. Jeremy Weisz and John Corcoran credit podcasting as being the best thing they have ever done for their businesses. Podcasting connected them with the founders/CEOs of P90x, Atari, Einstein Bagels, Mattel, Rx Bars, YPO, EO, Lending Tree, Freshdesk, and many more.
The relationships you form through podcasting run deep. Jeremy and John became business partners through podcasting. They have even gone on family vacations and attended weddings of guests who have been on the podcast.
Podcast production has a lot of moving parts and is a big commitment on our end; we only want to work with people who are committed to their business and to cultivating amazing relationships.
Are you considering launching a podcast to acquire partnerships, clients, and referrals? Would you like to work with a podcast agency that wants you to win?
Contact us now at [email protected] or book a call at rise25.com/bookcall.
Rise25 Cofounders, Dr. Jeremy Weisz and John Corcoran, have been podcasting and advising about podcasting since 2008.
Episode Transcript
Intro 0:01
Welcome to the revolution, the Smart Business Revolution Podcast where we asked today’s most successful entrepreneurs to share the tools and strategies they use to build relationships and connections to grow their revenue. Now, your host for the revolution, John Corcoran.
John Corcoran 0:40
All right. Welcome, everybody. John Corcoran here. I’m the host of the Smart Business Revolution Podcast and this is a live episode. I’m here with Dr. Weisz. How are you doing Dr. Weisz?
Jeremy Weisz 0:50
Thanks for having me.
John Corcoran 0:52
And this will also go live or will go as a recording on the Inspired Insider Podcast so you may be listening to it there as well. And you know, on my show, I get such a great privilege to talk to great CEOs, founders and entrepreneurs of all kinds of different companies I’ve had, you know, we recently interviewed the founder of Kinko’s. We have Netflix, YPO, EO, Activision Blizzard, LendingTree, OpenTable, and many more. Jeremy, who have you had? You’ve had a few phenomenal guests.
Jeremy Weisz 1:20
Yeah, p90x, Atari. I just had the co-founder of Pixar on, that was awesome. So you know, Steve, you know, talking about Steve Jobs, and George Lucas, and just amazing stories.
John Corcoran 1:32
Go to Inspired Insider, subscribe to your favorite podcasting app, if you are listening to this on Smart Business Revolution, and vice versa. So we are here today we’re gonna be talking about the thought leadership episode, which is very meta, because that’s what we’re talking about. We’re here today. So a thought leadership episode is a style of content that you put out on your podcast, which is sharing your own wisdom. So as opposed to sharing someone else’s wisdom. So when it comes to sharing your own wisdom, because what we say to our clients all the time is you have a phenomenal amount of experience and wisdom in your brain, and you should share it and you should share it with your own audience. And so we’re gonna be talking about the different types of thought leadership episodes that you should be creating. Of course, this episode is brought to you by Rise25 Media, where we help b2b businesses to get clients referrals and strategic partnerships with podcasts and content marketing. And if you’ve ever been curious about starting a podcast, whether it’s the right thing for you, Jeremy, and I have been doing it for about 24 years between the two of us. And I tell everyone I need that you just start a podcast because if you do it right, it will bring tremendous value to your life, you will build better relationships, meet amazing people, and uplevel your life. And so I tell everyone that they should do it. And we encourage everyone to do it. So let’s launch into it. Jeremy, so thought types of thought leaders, first of all, you know.
Jeremy Weisz 2:57
Yeah, go ahead. I want to give just a quick background, we did another episode called the five different types of episodes you should be creating with your content and your podcasts. And one of those types is the thought leadership episodes, which we’re going to break down even further today.
John Corcoran 3:15
Exactly. So that’s a good background on this. So this is one type of podcast interview, which we encourage people to create. And first of all, I guess it’s worth saying that there are some people who approach podcasts differently. And they think that they are going to create only episodes where they’re talking into a microphone, they’re sharing their wisdom. And the challenge with that is it’s very boring, it’s very isolating. And I have not seen many podcasts in that format succeed over the years, they tend to go for a little bit six months or so if that. And then they end up giving it up because it’s just not fun to do. And there’s the fact that you’re missing out on the advantages of upholding your network. Having said that, it is great to do some portion of your episodes using thought leadership. So let’s talk about Jeremy, what styles or what types of thought leadership episodes should people be thinking about creating?
Jeremy Weisz 4:13
Yeah, we’ll break down a number of different types of thought leadership episodes, what we end up talking about first is, you know, kind of a little bit more about the origin story. Right. So why did you start your career? Again, when we’re talking about podcasts. We’re talking about b2b podcasts, not you know, a crime, you know, law and order podcasts or something like that. Sure, crime. True Crime. Exactly. But so the origin of why you started the company, how you came up with the idea, there’s a bunch of origin stories, and which, you know, brings people up to speed about your background and some interesting things in evolution of the company and services and what you do.
John Corcoran 4:58
Yeah, I think Other ones, you know, talking about a mentor talking about the secret sauce behind your company, what inspired you maybe, you know, in many cases, you can create a great conversation around just one of these things, talking about a mentor that you had as a kid or in college, or in high school, they took you under your wing and the lessons that you learned, you know, some people have amazing wisdom that you can spin out just from that one individual topic. Another one, that’s really good Jeremy, is it a tear down? episode. So that’s where you know, you, let’s say your expertise is in SEO, or designing websites, or business coaching or something like that. And you will, in exchange for someone’s consent for you to share it as an episode. As content, you will give someone free feedback, free advice, or free coaching or consulting of some sort. And share that as an episode on your podcast.
Jeremy Weisz 5:58
Yeah, I want to back up to the other ones, you know, as far as an example goes, Yeah, I was interviewing someone the other day, and like they could have done this themselves if they had a podcast. And they want to do thought leadership, which is why they used to work at Google. And so they worked at Google for a couple years. And we talked about how, you know, the founders of Google would give an all hands meeting every, you know, every week to whatever, 50,000 people and what he learned leadership from working at Google, where you learn culture, working Google, and what he learned, you know, obviously he did, you know, SEO and other things. So it gives him credibility of why should I use you and your company? Because he worked? He learned from the best, right? So talking about your past and origin really, how does that relate to what I do now? Well, it gives you all the credibility in the world to show what your background is, right. So there’s a lot of different great stories from that. So on the teardown, this is an amazing type of episode, which is what we call it like an audit or a tear down episode. And you can do this for someone like actually, you could do this for someone, you know, you could do it for someone you don’t know, you could do it for someone that you, you say, hey, submit your website, and I’m going to do a teardown or, you know, I was talking to someone who is in the wine industry. And I was saying, you know, you could pull up the bottle, the late whatever type you are in the wine industry and actually go tear down. I mean, early on, Gary Vaynerchuk did Wine Library TV, and he basically was kind of doing a Terry pava wine, he poured it, he drank it and he would critique it, right. And that’s what he would do. And he makes different, different wines. But you could do that if you’re an SEO, I did this with someone John on my website, or in my interview. Now he could have done it himself again, if he had a podcast, but this person was a LinkedIn paid LinkedIn expert. So he focused on, you know, running LinkedIn ads for people. So I just thought it’d be fun in the interview to pull up LinkedIn live link LinkedIn itself, not LinkedIn live or on LinkedIn live, but LinkedIn itself, go through the feed, pull in, like, go through the ads that come up in the feed and critique them. Because I thought it’d be interesting for the audience. And the funny thing is, we pulled up I think, three or four, on the episode along with talking about his company. And I happen to know two of the people in the feed, like, I just, Oh, I know these people. So what I did was after the interview, not even after the interview went live. Before I went live after the interview, I emailed both those people, oh, by the way, we did a teardown of your LinkedIn ad, live on the interview. And so be on the lookout for that episode. And obviously, you get into a dialogue with the person but after it went live, they watched it. And they ended up, one of those people ended up hiring this person to do their LinkedIn ads. Yep. I mean, I get nothing for that. I just thought it’d be an interesting episode. But if they actually did it themselves, they could probably reach out, give people great feedback that’s useful to them. And they can decide, they can see Wow, this person really knows what they’re doing. I should use this person and or not use it, but either way they gave value to that person not really asking for anything in return.