literally, the week before I published it, LinkedIn changed of the UI for the first time in seven years.
And, and, you know, so lots of screenshots, lots of new screenshots taken. But there were a lot of really, really cool features back in 2010 2011. And then, you know, and then they started talking about going public. And then they took everything that was fun and good from LinkedIn, and got rid of it for a while. And I feel like this is the rebirth. I feel like the people who are running LinkedIn now. They’re, they’re using user groups more, they’re listening to us a little bit more. And they’re really they’re bringing their bringing a lot of cool tools. And so you have so I’m really excited about so many different things that are that are coming
John Corcoran 5:24
on the near horizon with LinkedIn. Now I want to dive into some of those tools. But philosophically, I think where we should start is with your profile page. Yes, you’re an expert in. But the reason why I think that’s important is because oftentimes, people skip straight past that, but it’s so important, especially these days, because it’s amazing these days, you know, you Google someone’s name more often than not LinkedIn pages, their first page, or top three, at least. So it’s really the first impression that everyone has of everyone else, because everyone Google’s everyone else, right? So right talk about best practices for your LinkedIn page, and what you should do with it.
Viveka von Rosen 6:04
Yeah, thank you for saying that a lot of people are like, talking about LinkedIn profiles again. But you know what, we wouldn’t have to talk about them if people would make the changes on their profile. So it’s not true. Because to your point, we and we spent the whole time talking about profiles, But to your point, everything you do online, and certainly on LinkedIn, people are going to go back to your profile. If you’re messaging someone, if you’re commenting on their engagement, if you’re, you know, inviting someone to connect anything you do on LinkedIn, they’re going to go back to your profile, and they’re going to look at it and they’re going to judge you. And it’s either going to be a positive judgment or a negative judgment. And the problem is a lot of people, we have like a six phase six phases to successful LinkedIn engagement. And the first one, well, the first one is actually having mindset that you want to go through with it. But the second one is having a good program. Because if you jump into connecting, if you jump into engagement, if you jump into you know, really any other phase, it could really hurt you, if your LinkedIn profile looks bad, and to your point, people are googling you. So you got to make sure that even if they’re not on LinkedIn, they’re still going to hit Google, they’re still going to hit your profile, and they’re still going to probably click through. And if your profile is awful, it might cost you business. So there’s a few things that you can do really quickly. And you’ve done it, we’ve done it, and it’s free. And that is the first thing to do is change your background image. We’ve actually, if you go to bank, Russell, banner, com, that’s VENGRESOBANNER. com, I literally just uploaded, what two days ago, the newest background image templates for your personal profile and your company page. So that you can either if you’re, if you’re good at graphics, you can create it yourself. Or you can use you know, one of the many graphic tools out there where you can hire someone from Fiverr or whatever. But you want to create a background image or a banner image that pulls in the branding from your company that you know, that pulls in your logo that pulls in the typeface and the colors and, and all of that, you know, awesome branding that you probably already have all over your website and probably your other social media sites, but for some reason you don’t have on LinkedIn. So that’s like step number one. Step number two is make sure you’ve got a professional photo that looks like you. And
John Corcoran 8:35
a lot of great, you’re laughing You had a huge smile on your face.
Viveka von Rosen 8:39
I changed it up once in a while. But yeah, I mean, and that was taken about a year ago. The problem is people will upload something that makes them look, I don’t know, younger, thinner, you know, have more hair, whatever it is, but the problem is you go to meet someone face to face for the first time, and you don’t recognize them.
Unknown Speaker 8:59
Right? Exactly.
Viveka von Rosen 9:02
Like way that’s not you know, which I’ve done before. And then the third thing that you want to do is instead of just having, you know your title of company, like it’s great that you’re the CEO of rise 25 but I don’t know what that means. So instead, you’ve got you know, SEO rise 25 podcasting agency, and you’re recovering lawyer, which I love, and your former House White House aide because that you know, those three things, one speaks to me like I’m actually interested in the podcasting podcasting agency, that’s really cool. That’s what I’m looking for. But the other two things give me something to talk about with you. And so as a buyer, you know, that’s going to get my attention a lot more than CEO of rise 25, which I am what is a rise 25
John Corcoran 9:52
I have the same thing, right? You don’t know what it is until you play
Viveka von Rosen 9:58
this soup, isn’t it diet program, I don’t know, lose 25 with rise 25, right.
And then underneath that is your your summary or experience section in that or your summary section rather now called about, you just want to expand that. So you really want to go into depth on who you have help, how you help them, Why you help them, other people like them that you’ve helped with some results, if you can maybe align or you know, testimonial line or two. But you really want to focus, you want to make it a buyer focused profile instead of like I’m a quota crushing sales guy. No one cares. Like, that’s the last thing you want, right? I’m going to go buy a car with a quote of crushing sales guy, right? Funny. So that was the last thing we want. We want someone who understands us who gets us who knows, you know, who knows what we’re what our points of pain or who knows how to solve them. And one of the things I recommend is that first line being almost like a call to action, or at least a call to click on see more, because only the first three of the you know, 20 line shows. But did you use you as an example, john, we help you connect with anyone you want to get in touch with bam, right, whether it’s new clients, referral partners, influencers, strategic partners, you name it, we can connect it, hundred percent done for you. I’m on a click on see more to see what all this is about. And then the other thing I really like about your profile, is you’ve got all of the great media in there, you’ve got interviews, and so people can click on and see the media just right there down below. So that’s really, really powerful us have also got calls to action. And one of the things that I love is you’ve got your free templates, right to connecting with VIP and influencers, your profile is a resource, it’s not a resume, you’re not talking about, you know, all all of your years in the White House and all of your years as a lawyer. I mean, you mentioned it briefly because it’s interesting, but it’s not about you. It’s about how I can use your services. And and again, you’ve got your resources right in there. That’s that’s what I would focus on to do what you’ve done.
John Corcoran 12:16
That’s great. Thank you. Thank you so much. And I have to say, of course Yours is the same way structured the same way. Your first question is, in my in your ABOUT SECTION says, Is it a goal of yours to win more business for your b2b company is 2019? Is it a goal of yours, blah, blah, blah? And then are you thinking 2018 is the year to start effectively using LinkedIn and social selling. By the way, social selling is such a great term thrown around a lot. I think a lot of people don’t understand what it is, you’ve got even in your headline hashtag. So selling. What is it was for those who aren’t doing it? Why should they be doing it? And how did they do it?
Viveka von Rosen 12:55
Yeah, and there are a lot of definitions. So I’ll just share mine. Um, social selling is simply using online digital resources to start conversations and close deals. So you know, we obviously use LinkedIn, but other people can use Instagram, you know, Facebook, whatever podcasts, of course. So it’s using whatever online digital tool platform that you want to to create more conversations, you do it through podcasting, we do it through, you know, messaging that we do on LinkedIn, to close more deals. And and so that’s, that’s really what social selling is to me. Right. And it’s also sharing content. So content.
John Corcoran 13:39
So let’s talk let’s talk a little bit about that. Because I know you have some tips on how to share content in a way that isn’t hugely time consuming, or at least it’s efficient, time consuming. Time. Time. Is it Yeah.
Viveka von Rosen 13:50
Time is it efficient use of your time. Yeah, thank you for that. Because obviously, how you actually do that is through the content that you share. And again, podcasts are great, great way of doing that. on LinkedIn, you know, they have the typical content tools that all the other platforms have, they’ve got video, we’ve got live video now. Not that I have it yet have updates, they’ve got something called articles or publisher, which is more like a blog post. So first of all, if you’re already creating content, if you already have a podcast, if you’re already writing blogs, think about how you can repurpose that existing content on LinkedIn. So don’t think you need to recreate the wheel and create all new stuff just for LinkedIn. If your audience is the same on your podcast, as it is on Facebook, as it is on LinkedIn, then you want to repurpose the existing content. What we have found recent Well, the overarching truth is that LinkedIn always promotes and in its algorithm, its newest toys. So if LinkedIn is come out with something via LinkedIn live, the newest is documents which just it’s so old school, it makes me laugh, but document like oh boy, you could upload a Word document. But LinkedIn is like loving documents right now. In fact, I uploaded like an old infographic I had to promote a interview I was doing on actually on marketing with Connor selling with content. And yeah, got over 100,000 views. Because it was an odd, I mean, it was a pretty good infographic. But not because it was like the most awesome infographic in the world is just that LinkedIn had recently released the ability to upload PDFs, PowerPoints, Word documents, etc. And so it’s just giving more juice to that. So do a little research right now you’ve listened to this podcast, so you know that documents are hot. And so if you have a document that you can upload in just to the update section on your homepage, you’re probably going to get more visibility. Now don’t leave it at that because having a podcast having a having a blog, having a video cast is well and good, as long as it’s decent, if it’s craft, and you’re not going to do any better on LinkedIn, and you are anywhere else. But if you do have some kind of content that you’re already using, use the description field to describe that 1200 characters, it’s like a longest paragraph really to describe what’s in the podcast in the video in the document in the whatever it is that you’re uploading or linking you some emojis to make it stand out a little bit. Again, keep in mind your audience. You know, poop emojis work well for certain people, maybe not for you know, the b2b sales person. And you can use capitalization, you can use hashtags, because hashtags are something that LinkedIn reintroduced a couple of years ago. So you can definitely use those hashtags. Again, I recommend one unique one. So you would have you’d probably have like hashtag rise 25 podcast, and then anything that you ever shared on LinkedIn, or honestly could just do have have hashtag rise 25, because chances are no one else is using it on anything. So you can easily search and find your content and reshare it and reshare reshare and get more visibility, so we use hashtag finger. So pics are progressive IDs or finger, so events, and then two or three hashtags that are popular and trending, you know, hashtag social selling, for example. So you want to do up to 1200 characters in the description of the upload link, video, etc. You want to use emojis to really make those things stand out. You want to use your hashtags, and you want to add mention or tag individuals that the content is relevant to like one or two people, not 50 people. Um, having said that, on some mobile devices, not mine. But on some mobile devices, you can also tag the image itself a little bit like they do on Twitter, or Facebook or every other social media platform where you can tag the person but it doesn’t actually show in the update. So it’s less annoying that way. So some of you might have that. And it would be on your mobile device, you would just click on the picture, and you’d have the ability to add, add people to it. But yeah, if you just do those few things, you’re going to get more visibility for your content. And then the whole point, though, is once you’ve got the visibility to engage with people who weren’t good prospects for you, so if a good prospect has commented liked or shared your content, please follow up in some way.
John Corcoran 18:46
So send them an email or send them a message. Okay. Okay.
Viveka von Rosen 18:50
Yeah, invite them to connect on LinkedIn. Hey, you know, I noticed you, you commented message, share my latest post, thank you so much, super appreciate it, I see that you are a blah, blah, blah, blah. And, you know, hey, we should probably Connect. Right? Right. ZC is that it gives you a reason to connect.
John Corcoran 19:06
Now what about now you have some 37,000 followers on LinkedIn. Now I’m sure some people look at that. And they think, oh, she’s got such a head start, why do I even bother? So for someone who’s listening to this, they have 1000 2000, whatever, connections on LinkedIn, maybe 100 connections on LinkedIn? Should they be proactively growing their network? And if so, how do you do it? Or is it just something that you recommend just share good content, if you build it, they will come kind of approach.
Viveka von Rosen 19:36
Right? I’m so glad you asked that. So a while ago, I had an edge, because it had a bigger network. So I could, you know, find, connect and engage with, you know, whoever I want. And basically, LinkedIn recently changed this algorithm again. And so as far as content is concerned, anyway, the more engagement you get percentage wise on your engagement on your content, the more likely that LinkedIn is to promote it. So if you only have 300, followers, or connections, but you know, 10, people like your, your, your article, and one person comments on it, LinkedIn is a lot more likely to promote that to a wider audience, to your whole audience than it is to me who has 30,000 people, and I might get 100 likes, and 10 shares or comments. But percentage wise, it’s significantly less than your 10 in one. And so LinkedIn is going to be like, and no one likes their stuff, we’re going to leave it kind of, you know, monitored or, or gov, as it were. So so the size of your network is not as important as it used to be. But what is important to your point, it’s getting that engagement. And so it’s better to have 150 really engaged ideal prospects, as connections, as it is to have 30 7000 people who may or may not even know who you are.
John Corcoran 21:04
Yeah, so you don’t recommend people go out there and find new people to connect with, though? Oh, no. Have it come through content?
Viveka von Rosen 21:12
No, no, you definitely should grow your network, but be very strategic about it. It’s not a numbers game is a quality game. So yeah, I mean, points of contact it at a company’s you want access into for sure. You know, and we now know, it’s like, 6.7 people to make a buyers buying decision, not just one person in many cases. And so yeah, you need to see who those 6.7 people might be and invite, you know, all six point, I don’t know what that point seven person looks like, yeah. But you’d look at the six or seven people and invite all of them to connect kind of a land and expand. But you do it thoughtfully and strategically, you don’t just like, invite everyone to connect and accept every invitation because there’s a lot of people who are just
John Corcoran 21:58
on relevant. And so that really too, what’s a good, you know, way to deploy your time on this? You know, I know you’re an advocate of spending of some time each day, what are the things we should be doing, if we’re going to set aside a certain amount of time each day?
Viveka von Rosen 22:13
Yeah, and I know, my book is LinkedIn marketing an hour a day, but it is eight years old. So just know, when you’re first starting out on LinkedIn, if you’re spending 15 to 20 minutes a day. And that’s all you need to do to kind of get through your checklist, which I’ll cover what that could look like in just a minute. But to get through your checklist, and that’s fine. It’s better to spend a few minutes every day then go, you know, once a month ago, oh, crap, I haven’t been on like dead, I’m gonna spend the afternoon on it. Much like I go to the gym. And that doesn’t also it doesn’t work. Much better to like, get on the elliptical for 15 minutes a day and do an HIT, you know, then they go to the gym for two and a half hours. And so yeah, a little bit of day makes a huge difference. Now, what you’ll notice is much like the gym, the more that you engage with people on LinkedIn, the more successful you’ll be the better results, you’ll get your spend more time there because it’s working. But when you first start out on LinkedIn, yeah, heck, it might be five minutes a day, right, it might be doing a little searching, you know, within it, and always use the, the kind of the advanced, or the extra filters that you can use on LinkedIn search. But you know, kind of searching around there to see who who, who might be a good lead for you going to their profile and and seeing if they’re active on LinkedIn. And we always say it’s better to engage with someone before you invite them to connect, because cold, cold connecting, like cold calling is not very effective. But if you go to their profile, they’re active on it, or maybe you find them somewhere else, right, you find them on it on on on Twitter, or on Facebook, or they’ve written an article or they have a podcast or whatever. But spend a little time getting to know who they are, then after engaging with them, and they’re public content, then you can go in and invite them to connect. But you know, even if you did two or three people a day, that’s what six 700 people in a year of really, really high quality leads. And then you you can begin to engage too. And one of the things I recommend to people is that if you want to create content as opposed to just curate content, then a great thing to do is answer those questions you always get right that just use use those questions is answered. So to go back to the checklist, you know, you want to you want to see if anyone’s invited you to connect, see who they are except or not as the case may be, you want to follow up with a with a personal message of personal private message to people who invited you to connect, even the ones you don’t accept, because if you’ve got an offer that’s relevant to them, you know, it’s worth at least letting them know about it. But don’t always just go with the sales pitch. That’s, that’s, that’s not a good first not a good first option, then, you know, create that relationship. Just see if you’ve got any private messages, you need to respond to go take a look at some of your connections content on your timeline, is there anything that you can engage with? Share, Like Comment, you know, take a look at some of the people you might have in common and see if you can get an introduction or referral or a recommendation. But even just doing those and then post one piece of content, but again, it doesn’t. You can absolutely curate content you’ve already created yourself or somebody else’s content. You know, as long as it’s not a competitor.
John Corcoran 25:34
What about cycling content? You know, yeah, we’ll do that. Like overtired. Like, and what frequency every few months.
Viveka von Rosen 25:42
Oh, yeah, I mean, as long as it’s evergreen.
You know, people have to remember it. It’s so funny, my sales people that I trained especially that there seems to be like a feeling that if I share a piece of content is an update. It’s like an email or a buzz. Yeah, the chances of your network actually seeing that the first time clicking through and reading it, I wish it was high, but it’s not. It’s you know, it might be one to 3% realistically, 12% might see it 123 percent might actually click through and read it. So you’re going to absolutely repurpose content. We do I mean, you’ll if you look at my timeline, you’ll you’ll probably notice, you know, the same articles, podcasts, etc, pop up, you know, here and there all over the place. So it’s absolutely okay to repurpose content. And then certainly if you’ve got content in another form, and you want to repurpose it on LinkedIn, like like an article or you know, sharing a podcast link or, or link or whatever, yeah, you can absolutely do that, too. That’s fine. I would say, one to two, if you could share one to two things a day. And truly should take you more than five minutes to do that.
John Corcoran 26:53
So tell me about finger. So because I knew you before you would start right, co founded it. And you were solo for a long years doing a lot of speaking on the road. What happened? How did you and your co founders end up teaming up to start this company and you call it a digital sales transformation company? So what is that what types of work you guys doing?
Viveka von Rosen 27:14
Sure, so we were competitors. And we, a bunch of us 20 or 30 of us had come together when we were going to do a different venture, and it petered out because there was no no one who wanted to grab the hold of the reins. But it gave Mario who’s our CEO. An idea that, hey, there’s something here you know, there’s there’s a big need for digital set, social selling, digital sales, transformation training, and, and a more formalized version, then all the solo printers and entrepreneurs out there. And that goes beyond just profile, because there’s some really, really great people out there who have big companies that just do profile optimization, but he saw that there was a huge hole in the marketplace, quite frankly. So he pulled he pulled, you know, he got a bunch of us together. And, you know, we had many, many, many, many, many, many, many phone calls. And some people stayed and some people left. But eventually four of us decided or formed digress, so there was more of us. But now there’s four left. So the four of us have have really, it’s exploded, you know, someone Someone said, should it be content wrestle or aggressive? Oh, and I think they were trying to insult us. But I’m like, cool, I’ll take it, where we’re super aggressive in the marketplace. But that’s because we walk our talk we want, we want to be aggressive in the marketplace, we want to grow our business, obviously. And we want other people to help them grow their businesses too. And so what we do is, we show people how to do that mainly through LinkedIn, we and Sales Navigator, which is of course a LinkedIn tool. We’re also here, huge advocates of social video. So we use one mob that there’s you know, video, video licious, and other great tools out there. So we’ve got three trainings, we’ve got selling with LinkedIn selling with Sales Navigator, and then selling with video that we’ve launched with some, you know, pretty huge companies. And it’s it’s really about helping sales people and entrepreneurs, solo printers, small business owners, but really helping folks, a get comfortable with the social platform and understand this model, you know, singing cat videos, be realize the potential that social has for your business and your bottom line, and meeting your quota. And then, you know, creating a strong personal brand, as we mentioned at the beginning of this podcast, so that people do look good online, when they’re when they’re found because what’s interesting, this is I think it was this is a LinkedIn statistic. But they found that 62% of b2b buyers are researching their the vendors, whereas only 55% of vendors are actually searching researching their b2b buyers, which is nuts. That should be like 100% need to be buyers to be researching so so more more, basically, more modern sellers are researching and are smarter than we are as modern as modern seller or more modern, but the modern buyer is smarter than the modern sellers. What I’m trying to say so we’re trying to equal that out or or more importantly, we’re trying to make modern sellers stronger using tools like LinkedIn, native video Sales Navigator, and and really to start having those conversations. That’s that’s we don’t promise sales training. We’re not a sales transformation company. We’re a digital sales transformation company. So we’re not going to teach you how to sell there are great companies, huge companies out there that can help you do that, that we’re going to get you those conversations. And that’s really what everything we do is about.
John Corcoran 31:05
Right, right. And you know, that must be a difficult conversation with some companies, I imagine where people are used to having having done something a certain way for a long time. And this is encouraging them maybe even complete change in philosophy, such as being more open, being more willing, having a personal brand, a lot of these people just neglect their personal brand for a long time. They think that they don’t need it. So how difficult is that conversation with something getting them to write getting them to realize, you know, that we’re going to do things a different way?
Viveka von Rosen 31:35
Yeah, I mean, it is difficult, and we’d be a multi billion company by now.
Unknown Speaker 31:40
You know, small
John Corcoran 31:44
things that blew me away, because I knew you started this company a couple years ago. Yeah. For partners, I looked you 70 people on LinkedIn that are listed as employees on there. Yeah, some
Viveka von Rosen 31:54
of those, some of those are not. So we’re I think we’re 54 employees.
John Corcoran 32:00
Yeah, so I mean, so you paid a little bit you paid on Fiverr to change, update their status, that’s cool. LinkedIn hacks that you recommend.
Viveka von Rosen 32:14
You have to pay someone on Fiverr to get rid of them. Because Yeah, most of them are not, we don’t actually want them representing us. But um, but yeah, that is a LinkedIn hack you could do.
But, ya know, to your point, I mean, that’s, that’s why on our six phases, the mindset piece is so important, because first of all, you have to get you know, the, the buyers buy in the sales leader usually got to get their buy in obviously, and then we got to get the buy in of the the resources that you’re they’re using within their own company, like marketing, etc. And then we have to get buy in from the sales people themselves. So we have to get buy in and, and adjust the mindset of not just one person, but overly three different groups of people. But we’ve got a lot of, you know, there’s just a lot of information out there that proves how powerful social selling and digital sales transformation can be, and why they’re idiots not to do it. I mean, I’m doing a sales webinar on Thursday, about this, this point, like, we can’t ignore LinkedIn. And while LinkedIn might be smiling, the Facebook and Twitter when it comes to B to B, especially, it’s Swanston, it’s 244 times more effective than those other social platforms. And the other thing is, it’s like yeah, okay, a lot of people are like, Oh, my gosh, I missed it, I missed the LinkedIn wave, you know, there’s already 600 million people using it. But LinkedIn, 600 million, that billion, but LinkedIn really wants to build its network to to have at least three to 4 billion people. So it’s going to continue nurturing and growing its own platform. So you’re really not you know, even though it is been around for a while, 16 years, but it’s not, it’s certainly not the end of the game, you’re not at the bottom of the of a pyramid as it were right? You really, you there’s so much opportunity still there. So a big part of it is changing the mindset showing the results that people are getting, and truly, some of it is changing, changing habits and a little bit changing the way they do things. But we’re, but actually, it’s always been human to human relationship sales have always been about human to human relationships. And that doesn’t change. It’s just we’re using a different platform. But you know, it’s it’s, it’s not marketing, marketing has a lot of changes, but sales is still about that human human relationship. And LinkedIn allows you to have human human relationships, they just, it just allows you to have those human to human relationships a little bit more effectively. And a little less expensively. And, and, and when you think about old school selling, where you would go to a conference or a trade show, or you know, or even meeting face to face or going to networking events, that’s extremely expensive and time consuming. You can do a lot of that on LinkedIn. And so it’s not so much about recreating the wheel, it’s just making the wheels a lot more effective. And cheaper.
John Corcoran 35:24
Right. And speaking of b2b sales, you had a tip, one of your tips was exactly what we’re doing right here, which is a hack for b2b sales is interviewing the influencer at the company. You want to talk a little bit about that?
Viveka von Rosen 35:36
Yeah, yeah. And that’s I mean, whether you use podcasting, whether you interview them for an article, or whether you put together a blog, a blog cast, and a blog, or podcast, and that’s how we use our podcasts a lot of times is, it’s still very useful to the end listener, because we’re interviewing, we’re interviewing C suite, you know, sales and marketing professionals, and we’re getting there, jewels and words of wisdom. And we’re sharing that with our audience. But in the meantime, it’s allowing us to speak to Yes,
John Corcoran 36:11
you’re talking to your prospects,
Viveka von Rosen 36:13
we’re talking to our prospects, we’re talking to top level C suite. And of course, they’re getting to know us. And they’re getting to see the power of a big wrestling action. Because once we’ve done that podcast, and we’ve started to form that relationship, the next thing they see is their name everywhere, because of our amplification. And so yes, this is what we do for a living. But certainly, if you decide, you know, they, yes, this LinkedIn thing, there’s probably something to it, and I’ve got a team of one or 10, or 50, or whatever it is, but you find that that that influencer, that you want to have a conversation with. And you come up with a series of questions at first, you want to make it as easy as possible until you’ve actually built a brand around like you have a built a brand around who you are, and people like chomping at the bit to be interviewed by you. But at the beginning, you know, make it easy, but just asking people questions about what they do and how they do it, and how they do it successfully. putting that together as some kind of content, podcast, written video, whatever. And then putting it out there as a piece of content. And then having other people in your company and your community and your industry share that. It’s just a win, win win all the way around, you get content, they get visibility, you get visibility, you’re aligned with a master of the trade. And you know, really, everyone’s happy.
John Corcoran 37:44
And really often what what people don’t understand is that you don’t need to have a huge audience in order to employ. Yeah, I mean, you don’t have to people often think oh, well, I don’t have a huge amount of downloads. You’d podcasts have been doing it for years. But you can do it right now. Yeah, need to. And even just putting content up on LinkedIn is a great way to do it.
Viveka von Rosen 38:03
Yeah, I mean, that wasn’t vigorous. It wasn’t anything two and a half years ago, was that it did not exist the name, it’s a made up name, it literally did not exist. You know, so yeah, if you’re super strategic about it, and thoughtful about it, you can grow we have our audiences bigger. Now mind you, there’s there’s, we got, you know, we got four principles, we got, you know, four more leaders, and then we’ve got a whole bunch of support staff and professionals in the company now Yay, them. But we were nothing we were nothing two and a half years ago. And and if you are able to bring value. One person listening could make the difference in your company. Yeah, right. One, one conversion of podcast guests to client could make all the difference in the world. Right,
John Corcoran 38:57
right. Or, you know, so when it comes publishing the material, and you think about, like, let’s say you write an article, and we’ve done this a bunch of times, you write an article and you have you quote, 20 people in it, or 30 people Yeah, exactly. It doesn’t what what they really value is the connection to the peers, because they’re being put on an equal plane with their peers. Yeah, so people, people are thrilled by that. They love the fact that they’re being quoted with their peers. So yes, it’s less so much about the platform, the exposure is it is just the inclusion
Viveka von Rosen 39:30
really. Absolutely. And that’s, I mean, anyone can give you a quote, and you set it up. I mean, usually when people ask me for quotes for articles, you know, it’s a Google form, it takes me five minutes to fill out. And now to your point, now, I’ve been aligned with all of these like social media, or social selling superstars, like, Hey,
John Corcoran 39:50
you can have a little pat on the back, like, Whew, that was cool.
Viveka von Rosen 39:53
And I could put that as a project in an hour as a kudos or something in my LinkedIn. And that makes me look even more important. Exactly.
John Corcoran 40:02
Such a pleasure talking to you on a wrap up. But the question that I asked everyone, which is let’s pretend we’re at an awards banquet, much like the Oscars and the Emmys, and you’re receiving an award for lifetime achievement for everything you’ve done up until this point, what we all want to know is, in addition to our family and friends, of course, but who are the the peers, the relationships, the mentors, the friends, the business partners, the team that you would acknowledge in your remarks?
Viveka von Rosen 40:27
Yeah, I think the person who first and this is before social the person who helped me with my current philosophy, is Bob Burg, right with the go giver, and it’s all about giving and sharing and amplifying, and and what can you do for other people. And so with Bob Burg, and his book, The go giver, that that was really powerful. Also, the fact that I reached out to him on Twitter, we talked for a couple minutes, and he invited me at his conference. And then I was speaking on a stage like two years later, also very powerful. But But Bob is such a generous, wonderful person. So he’s been an amazing mentor to me, like truly my whole career. The late Trey Pennington, same thing, just like so generous with his time and with and Mari Smith is another one when I was first starting out, you know, she, I could see what she was doing with her career when I want to do that, too. And she was so so so generous. You know, Mom and Dad, of course, I have to thank them. And then, you know, to my current partners, being a solo printer entrepreneur was great. And it was great that I didn’t have to ask other people to do something. But being in a partnership with with three such intelligent, smart, successful men has been really a credibly. Just uplifting that the mindshare. I mean, I realize I don’t know everything I really thought I did. But it turns out I don’t know everything about LinkedIn or life, and I’m learning so much from them. And also the resources is helpful. But yeah, I really, you know, give a huge shout out to Bernie and Kurt and Mario, because they’ve really shifted how I’ve done my business and the success that we’ve all had.
John Corcoran 42:18
Yeah. Ben Grasso calm is the website, LinkedIn marketing an hour a day and LinkedIn 100 and ways to rock your personal brand, any other resources that you want to point people to where they can go check out and learn more about you and bigger. So
Viveka von Rosen 42:33
yeah, so we started talking about profiles. So if you want a really, really good guide, we actually basically plagiarized my own book for it. If you get it for free, though, if you go to vendor, so the NGRE so the aggressive ebook EBO, that aggressive ebook, it’ll, it’ll bring you to the ultimate guide for sales professionals, ultimately, to profile diverse sales professionals. It’ll walk you step by step, you can do it even if you’re not a sales professional, by the way, guys, but step by step, everything you need to do to have a really powerful brand on LinkedIn. Another free tool is Ben Graessle banner, which I mentioned earlier, which gives you the latest templates for the background image. And if you do decide that, you know, maybe this this social selling thing, there might be something to it. If you want to check out our latest program, it’s at selling with LinkedIn com.
John Corcoran 43:25
Okay, excellent. Alright. Thanks so much
Viveka von Rosen 43:28
Absolutely. Thanks for having me on again. It was great. Thank you