John Corcoran 5:41
Yes, his point, you know, I mean, even if there isn’t a listing somewhere, you can also go on social media. And you can search for oftentimes, there’s a dedicated hashtag that’s assigned to the conference, or you can just look for the name of the conference or the event you’re going to and sometimes people have posted there. And so yeah, you can reach out to those people and connect with people that way.
Jeremy Weisz 6:03
Yeah. And so like reaching out to them in advance and clicking on them. And usually, I will just dialogue with people to find out what they’re working on, what their businesses, what the website, I should be checking out and having a dialogue with each of them. And it’s easy to do, like if you’re in a Facebook group, and you just click on a message then you go and use it, you can click on them, and even check their website out ahead of time, and actually make a comment on it. And actually, you know, be interested in what they’re working on, like truly interested?
John Corcoran 6:36
Absolutely, yeah, it’s, um, you know, and then sometimes, I mean, I even went to an event. This is a while ago now, where there was a special app that people downloaded and not ever downloaded it, but a lot of people have, and a lot of people had like, uploaded profiles in there. So you could go directly in there, and you could learn about these people. But that makes a big difference is researching people in advance, because it narrows it down. And I remember going to a conference once where someone came up to me and said, Hey, I saw that you were coming. And I wanted to make the opportunity to, you know, to talk with you. Because we hadn’t met before, something like that. Now, he might have been blowing smoke. I don’t know. He said that to everyone. But you know, that made a big impression on me. I remember it now. You know, yeah, that’s me. And you could do the same thing that’s doing
Jeremy Weisz 7:20
an extra, it’s going through the extra effort. And when you do that, you can add more value to the group and the people who are organizing and appreciate that I remember I was in a virtual group. And someone asked about some resource and I tagged someone else in the group because I had researched them. So I was making connections within the group. And I never talked to them before. But I saw Oh, someone was asking about this service. I said, and I tagged people, as it is Hey, you may be interested in this. And they totally appreciate me doing that. But the only reason I could do that is that I researched them in advance. And I connected with them in advance and I added value to them.
John Corcoran 8:03
Yeah, this is, you know, this is point number one, but it really could be points 123. And four, I mean, we put this extra effort in at the outset, or even in real time. You know, when you do that research, and you take the extra effort of figuring out who they are, what they do, what their background is, what you might have in common, then this happened with me earlier today. It wasn’t in the context of an event that was happening in real time. But I think this example could work for a real event as well. But I looked up the person on LinkedIn. And just in like two minutes of reaching, researching his background, I saw all these things that we had in common. And so I messaged the guy back and I said, you know, here are all these things we have in common, it just makes such a bigger impression. And it allows you to form that much better connection and bond with them. So, that’s number one. Point number two. Yeah, let’s play. I mean,
Jeremy Weisz 8:56
it’s just so just to finish up point number one, when you get into the bigger group, you already know, half the people or all the people have connected to them. So it just makes the group feel like a group of your friends. Yeah, as opposed to going into a bunch of faces that, you know,
John Corcoran 9:12
you brought up a great point, which I want to circle back to about introversion is I hear people say that all the time, you know, I feel a little introverted. I don’t feel comfortable in bigger groups. And actually, I think some of the best networkers out there are introverted, because, you know, we all know like gregarious people who suck the oxygen out of a room or they make a big impression or something like that. Some of those people. The truth is they don’t do a great job of building relationships, building connections, deepening that relationship, taking it further, because they, they might make a big impression, but they don’t do a good job of taking it further doing the extra effort of going the extra mile. And oftentimes someone who’s a little bit more introverted or lon introverted can really overcompensate or out compete with someone who uses Think is much more gregarious because they do a better job of following up taking it further taking the relationship further.
Jeremy Weisz 10:07
Yeah. Yeah, so that’s number one, you know, a little research goes a long way, obviously the second one that we were talking about, which is in real time, meaning you’re on the meeting on a virtual meeting, um, reach out to people and message them.
John Corcoran 10:25
And you got to, you know, you know, kudos to you for this because I know you do this, but sometimes when you’re on a meeting with a lot of people, you’re having individual messages, you’re messaging people individually, even if it’s something short, just like, Hey, I saw you’re on here wanted to say hello, to connect later. How are you doing or anything like that?
Jeremy Weisz 10:45
I mean, it’s, it’s actually an advantage, the virtual events, right? Because if you’re sitting, you know, at a conference listening to someone talk or keynote, you can’t be like, hey, john, good to see like, you know, what, in this situation, you know, let’s say there are 30 faces there. And, you know, let’s say, you know, Paul Begum, for instance, for instance, was on one of the calls, and I just messaged like, put my God, we haven’t talked in forever, we need to catch up, right. And so I just messaged him, he messaged me back. And just reaching out to the people on the call is not like, you know, this also kind of goes into if you research people ahead of time in advance, you can also have those individual conversations, if you don’t know them may be kind of weird to do that. But even so, I think we’re on a call with one person and, or with a group of people, and I just checked out the person’s Google DME really quickly. And I just clicked on their website, and I checked it out. And then I messaged him, I go, Oh, my God, I’m on your website. I love this video of you. I’m just looking at it right now. And so even not knowing them, you can still show them, like do the research real time, like you’re there in the call. I mean, you know, you know, sometimes you’re not 100% focused on the speaker, but you can be pulling the person’s website up and LinkedIn profile up, like you mentioned, you have something in common, you could pull that prism, oh, my god, you’re from San Francisco to like, wow, like I’m we were close together. So you could do that stuff, real time you’re on the call already. You might as well connect with people and make them deeper.
John Corcoran 12:23
Yeah. Or, you know, just I think people underestimate the power of a sincere compliment. So just even following up after someone has made a remark or asked a good question in this group, or this community, this online forum, and just saying, Hey, I really appreciated that question. Really appreciate your insight. liked what you brought to the table there. Just something like that, you know, as long as it’s sincere, I think that can go a long way as well.
Jeremy Weisz 12:51
I totally agree. Because some people, I mean, all of us, I mean, I don’t. I can’t speak for all of us myself, you know, sometimes you speak out and you feel slightly self conscious as a large group, should I be talking? Should I make a comment? And when someone does, you’re kind of putting yourself out there? And so, you know, just showing that support? It goes a long way.
John Corcoran 13:11
Yeah. And that actually leads into our third point, which is to when appropriate, when you feel comfortable doing it, to contribute to speak up to, to ask an educated, educated question, or to make a comment of some sort. So talk a little about that one.
Jeremy Weisz 13:28
Yeah, I mean, I’m, I’ve gotten better at this over the years, you know, I still feel slightly self conscious giving advice or sharing something. But you know, I do that. Now. He used to be generous, funny, because, like, one of the people who I like maybe I would respect would follow up with a specific comment. And I was thinking the same thing. I’m like, Why don’t know, should I say something? Or not? Like, damn it, I should have said that the exact same thing I would have said, yeah. And so, um, I’ve been better at sharing those things. And, and doing that, but I think, you know, you don’t need to be just the presenter to contribute or speak up. And you’re really good at this. Actually, I think, you know, you’re way better than me at this. It is engaging the group by asking a very educated question. Um, and you do that very well.
John Corcoran 14:25
The funny thing is, though, you know, I think back like me in college and even law school, like I wasn’t, I often wasn’t that person. For me personally, it’s, it depends on the room. Like, if it’s a really big room, I’m much less likely to speak. If it’s a smaller room, I feel more comfortable with the group of people, then I’m more likely to speak, you know, but sometimes, honestly, like, this is a strategy I use, particularly in law school. I would try and speak very early in the beginning of a session, because that would calm my nerves once I’d spoken once. I’d feel much better. And I feel much more engaged and willing to speak more as it went along. And I think that’s something you can apply to virtual or in person events.
Jeremy Weisz 15:10
Yeah. And I want to point something out about asking educated questions or making comments, I think what goes a long way is vulnerability. And so if you’re asking a question, not like bragging or making comment bragging, but like actually saying something like, you know what we love your feedback, because this is something we’re really working on, or struggling with. There are other people that appreciate one, you come from that place, and two other people may be struggling or facing the same challenge, and they really appreciate it. So it really
John Corcoran 15:41
creates a great dialogue. And the flip side of that is, you know, we all know, we all have seen whether someone who’s, who’s boasting, right, or who’s kind of what’s the word for the humblebrag. Right. And, you know, you don’t want to be that person. You know, I think I think that you can create much deeper connections with people, when you do show that vulnerability, when you do share something that you’re challenged by that you’re working on, because chances are there other people, and I’m not saying you have to be totally, you know, bare your soul. There’s oversharing, right.
Jeremy Weisz 16:22
And he told me to be vulnerable. Everyone turned on me.
John Corcoran 16:27
No, I know, if someone’s gonna tell me, that’d be like, you know, but you don’t want to overdo it. But definitely vulnerable. I think that’s a great point. So that’s point number three. Point number four, this is a great one is to show appreciation share, Jeremy, but
Jeremy Weisz 16:41
I mean, listen, be the organizer. And the people in charge spent a lot of time and energy putting things together and coordinating. And you know, when we, when we helped run live events, like you really when people give you and show appreciation for the work and energy they put into it, it goes a long way. And, you know, just reaching out to the organizers, and the people just telling not being real specific with, you know, I love how you ran this part. And you started off with the winds, and then you went to the channel or whatever, maybe it was the format, or maybe it was the way they ran it whatever it is. showing appreciation is big.
John Corcoran 17:20
Yeah, yeah, it and yeah, I can say the same thing. Having done events with you over the years, you know, when someone comes up to you and says, I really appreciate you doing that, whether it’s, you know, putting together a large event or small event. And people show that appreciation, it really definitely goes a long way. And, you know, makes you remember that person in particular. So finally, point number four is really about, you know, going deeper. Sorry, point number five. Thank you. Point number one was about what you, you know, do beforehand or in real time, and that’s actually putting some
Jeremy Weisz 17:57
people through this whole cycle? Right, right research in advance, what do you do real time? What do you do? You know, right afterwards? And then now, what do you do? beyond just right afterwards? Right.
John Corcoran 18:10
Right. But and what do you do
Jeremy Weisz 18:12
when you go deeper? So how do you go deeper? Right? Yeah. And the best way we have seen in the past 10 years is obvious, right? It’s, you know, there’s, there’s ways to deliver value to someone after the fact. And what we find is when you flip,
John Corcoran 18:26
Let me interrupt you. I know what it is, I know what it is. You tell them how great your services are and you ask them if you can do a sales call. The very next day, no, during the coffee break, can you pin, you know, hold them down? and sell them on your service? Is that what you’re gonna say?
Jeremy Weisz 18:42
That’s second? No, but um, yeah, exactly. So delivering value more to them? How do you continue to build the relationship deliver more value and deliver more value by featuring them, and we find featuring someone in an interview on your podcast, and then profiling them on your podcast, which then goes across, you know, 1720 different channels, iTunes, Stitcher, Google Play, and social media and all those it continuously gives to them.
John Corcoran 19:12
Yeah. So it’s a world in which you have to be creating content, just like we’re doing right now. You have to be creating content. So you’re not dead in the eyes of Google. You only are doing that. But content can also be a tool for deepening and establishing relationships with people in your life. And, you know, you and I both started this journey about 10 years ago. Some of the best relationships I’ve ever had have been from someone that you make an initial connection with, whether it’s at an event, whether it’s a virtual meeting, whether it’s an introduction from someone, and then how do you take that relationship further and no better way of doing it than to take the time in and to to delve into their story. Ask them questions, learn about them, you know, and then share that with others.
Jeremy Weisz 20:06
I mean, example would be like we get off all the time, I was just, it just continues the relationship. I got the phone with Dr. Hoby Wedler. Right, who you’ll be chatting, but afterwards like, how do you follow up? We had a great conversation. I’m like, hey, like, you are a really inspiring guy, like, this guy is one of the most inspiring people. I like, let’s, let’s have a follow up conversation. Well, why not share it with the world? So let’s schedule a follow up conversation, but let me have you on my podcast, and then I’ll share your story with everyone. Yeah, from our conversation. So it’s just, I’m gonna have the opportunity to have him on. And deeper the conversation, we’re gonna have the conversation anyways, you might as well record it, and, you know, really have other people learn about him.
John Corcoran 20:51
Right. And for, you know, for the busier and busier the person, the more it makes a difference, to have their time be dual purpose or multi purpose, you know. So, you know, if you reach out to the CEO of a Fortune 100 company, and you say, hey, I’d love to do something like an informational, just like 15 minute calls. Do you have time to cool down? I know you have 15,000 people that you oversee. And I know you got a, you know, a P&L multi billion dollar that you need to have responsibility for but you know, could you take 15 years? No, it’s not gonna happen, right. But I’ve been constantly amazed at busy, important, prestigious people that will give me a slice of their day. And then as a result, as a consequence of that, you know, then they’ll give you more slices of their day, because then they know you, then they trust you, then you build a relationship with you. And so it’s just a wonderful tool for that. And it’s a wonderful way of delivering value to people. Yeah, yeah. So just to recap,
Jeremy Weisz 21:54
Jeremy, number one, you search people in advance, okay. Okay, social channels directory, Facebook groups, in real time, reach out. And especially if you already do the people in advance, then contribute during and actually speak up as, as your questions show, appreciate the people, you know, who are making comments and asking questions, and then show appreciation afterwards to the host. Or the other people, not just the host, but there’s, you know, people behind the scenes that are working on it, and then go deeper with the people that you want to go deeper with and connect with them later and feature them.
John Corcoran 22:30
Now one of the things that you are really good at to just wrap things up here is to leave any kind of interview like this was a question that actually souls serve a dual purpose of creating great content, and also deepens those connections, just like we’ve been talking about here. So let me ask you. So you mentioned a few earlier, but who are some of the virtual events that you’ve either participated in? Or that you’ve had your eye on doing it right? They’re doing a great job right now?
Jeremy Weisz 23:01
Yeah, I mean, obviously, I think I follow a lot what Jason Swenk does, he has some amazing podcasts, if you’re an agency owner, we mentioned Kevin Thompson, Alex Niam, Joe Polish and Brian Kurtz running their virtual events. And then just other podcasts that I know we follow are Dean Dutro’s podcast and Chris Dreyer’s podcast of rankings. He has some amazing guests. And also so those are some of the people that people I think others should check out.
John Corcoran 23:35
Great job. Alright, so that’s it from us. wrap things up from for the next few days Utah, and from Chicago, Illinois. Dr. Weisz, thank you so much.
Jeremy Weisz 23:45
We weren’t right the hour we’d do our, people are waiting for your favorite Tommy Boy quote.
John Corcoran 23:52
But we got to go. Alright. Thanks, everyone.
Outro 23:55
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