John Corcoran 7:19
Yeah, that’s a good point. So before we move on to the next question, a couple other points that I think we should point out is, you know, it’s if your focus is just on just on downloads and not thinking about the other advantages to it, oftentimes, it leads to disappointment because there are larger media companies with big budgets. And the only way they have to monetize their business is through downloads and advertising. And so they will throw a lot of money at this, ESPN, NPR, that kind of thing. They will do advertising spend that sort of thing in order to get downloads because they’re monetizing with ads, whereas you the b2b business owner has got other ways to monetize the business and to make it profitable. for you. And so we don’t want people to get disappointed by getting too focused on that. So I also haven’t checked my downloads in a long time. I’m not quite as afraid of them as Jeremy is here, but I just don’t check them because I know that they rarely are what you want them to be, you know, and it doesn’t matter. And by the way, the other point is that the other reason that people think downloads are important is because of getting guests. They might not articulate it this way. But they think you need to get a lot of downloads in order to get good guests. But the truth is one there isn’t great transparency about downloads, Apple’s about half the downloads out there, and they don’t publish download numbers. So people don’t know what your download stats are. It’s not like you have to reveal them to anyone. And if you position it right, when you approach big name guests, you won’t have trouble getting larger name guests. Because what you do is you stair step your way up, you get others that they may respect or no and get them as guests. So by the time you go to a subsequent person, you list some of the other guests you’ve had. And they’re not asking about your download numbers because they’re like, Oh, you’ve had that person on as a guest, then I’ll be a guest. So I think that’s another nice social proof element. Yeah. But I think that’s one of the reasons people ask about downloads, even if they don’t realize it, but that’s one of those things over which you overcome that challenge? Yeah,
Jeremy Weisz 9:19
exactly. Let me you know, john, let me give you an example. Let me just clarify, okay. Like, if you could get lots of downloads, that’s awesome. But what I mean by quality over quantity, right, I care more about giving to the guests. So let’s give an example. I had Kevin Thompson on the podcast the other day. And I don’t check downloads. So I don’t know how many people it is going to reach but what I care about is how individual people should be listening to Kevin’s message. So when the episode is on, you know, we did a live stream and Facebook. So there are certain people who you know he’s running tribe for leaders. And I’m like, there are certain people I know in my network that should probably check out what he’s doing. So all I did was I simply tagged them in that interview post and said, Hey, Eric, Hey, Joe, he talked about you and some really high level entrepreneurs I tagged in that post, to give to Kevin, I didn’t need to wait to publish it even to iTunes to get a bunch of dollars subscribers to give to him for the interview. So I think it’s just important that I look at more important things. How do I, you know, filter specific people to my guests that would be valuable for them? And yeah, that’s where my mind goes, is really how do I give to them?
John Corcoran 10:42
Yeah. And that really adds up over time. The other thing is when you do that, just with discipline for the episodes that you do, then you’re leveraging a lot of relationships over time, it really starts to snowball and accumulate. Let’s move on to the next question. Next question. Isn’t it really time consuming to do a podcast? Like how do you create a podcast when there’s so many other things that you need to do? How do you find the time? Yeah,
Jeremy Weisz 11:09
Yes, it is. That’s why we create it. We did. But like, you know, in the very beginning, John, both of us would do everything. Yeah, we would do absolutely everything. And I want a mistake. I wanted a big head against the wall. And over time, we put a team in place to take all the pieces off of our table, and I always tell people there are two things we want a business owner doing when it comes to podcasting. One is building the relationship. Two is running their business. And that’s it. And we have, you know, a team that we’ve delegated everything else to and in for a number of years, John, people like Jeremy, you helped me launch mine. I’m like, no, it’s so much work. I don’t want to do it. And then after, you know, four years, are like okay, we put together an already rock solid team, we have the systems down. And now even then I’m like, we’ll take on a few people just to see how this is like a lot of you know how much work this is. And so, so the answer is, if you do it right, it’s not time consuming at all. Because anything
John Corcoran 12:16
go further than that, I say I firmly believe a podcast saves you time, if you do it right, if you delegate the pieces that you should not be focusing on, so you can focus on the highest and best use of your time. I have for young kids, you have young kids as well. And the reason I’ve continued to do a podcast for 10 years is that I know if I were to quit doing my podcast, everything would be so much more time consuming. It’d be so much more time consuming to connect with high caliber people and be so much more time consuming and deliver value to my existing client base and referral partners who I can feature and edify on a podcast. It’d be so much more time consuming to speed up the client sales cycle and onboarding process by creating content that like we All right now, that goes on to my podcasts that I can share over and over again, that people can consume and people can find me from even years into the future. And so I know that a podcast actually ultimately, if you do it, right, the way that we do it is a huge time saver, not an additional time burden.
Unknown Speaker 13:20
And that,
Jeremy Weisz 13:20
you know, john, the other thing is, you are already having conversations with people in your industry, your best referral partners, your best strategic partners, your best clients. So it doesn’t take any more time. And if you’re not, you should be right. So in a given week, if you have three, four or five conversations with your partners, partners or clients or past clients, well, you can actually record that.
John Corcoran 13:46
Yeah, absolutely. So it’s already in your schedule. Right, exactly. I mean, I think people don’t appreciate that. How many conversations they do have, that you could be using, then that’s why I say when you do a POC Guess you have to integrate it into what you’re doing already. So you’re already doing business value, you’re already talking to people, referral partners, clients, past clients, that sort of thing integrated into that process. So it doesn’t take any additional time. We’ve got a couple more questions here. Before we wrap up. I know you have to go in a second, Jeremy. So another question people frequently asked is what tool should I use? What microphone? What recording software kind of a technology and equipment question, you know, your thoughts?
Jeremy Weisz 14:23
I mean, that’s also a big question. And we can answer it in you know, 30 seconds. Because we really, really want people focusing on who are the best people to feature in how do you give to those people? And so the answer is really simple. I mean, the technology is going to change, right? When we started podcasting, we tell people to just keep it simple and use whatever you use now to do meetings and do recordings. That’s it. And what you know what’s gonna people are going to use in a week, six months what we were using 10 years ago. is not what we’re using today. And what we may use in six months may not be what we use today. So whatever you’re using, like if you meet a certain conference line, video conference, audio conference, they have a recording feature and just use it and people say, well, is audio quality going to be good enough?
John Corcoran 15:18
And my response to that is, look, no one ever quit doing a podcast because their audio quality wasn’t good enough. They quit because they didn’t get a return. And so that’s really what you need to focus on. Now. I do believe like, you don’t want to do it. You don’t want to be in an echoey kitchen. You don’t want to be out on a busy street. When you’re recording these podcasts interviews, there needs to be a certain baseline of quality. We recommend buying a microphone,
Jeremy Weisz 15:42
all you need is a USB microphone, a USB microphone that literally plugs into the computer like I mean, I’ve used this Blue Yeti mic we’re looking at right now for 10 years.
John Corcoran 15:54
Yeah, and I’m using an audio Technica ATR-2100, which I’ve used for 10 years as well. Yeah, but I mean it drives me crazy, because I see people sometimes in forums talking and they’re like, you know, I’ve been doing this podcast for a year, two years, and I’m not really getting a lot out of it. I think I need to buy a new microphone. It’s like, if you think that’s gonna solve your problems, that is not the solution. new recording software like that is not going to tell you it’s
Jeremy Weisz 16:19
similar to this, right? It’s if you take, you’re playing basketball, and you’re like, my games have been off, I think I just need a new pair of shoes. No, you just need to practice, you need to do the right things to make it make the most impactful, right. It’s not the shoes, or maybe Michael Jordan would beg to differ but whatever.
John Corcoran 16:40
Yeah. Well, I think we’re running short on time here. I do want to shout out to Gloria Chou, who’s here, Gloria, good to see you here. Gloria, who recently connected with one of our clients, Stephanie Sims through the podcast, which is amazing. They’re doing a webinar together, which is coming up pretty soon. So go check her out, look her up on LinkedIn, and you can see the web They’re doing about how to get free PR which is really cool. Jeremy, where can people go to learn more about you, connect with you and learn more about podcasting?
Jeremy Weisz 17:08
Go to People said they like our video because we’re like an old married couple bantering. So you can watch that on the homepage and you go to this or contact us if you have questions about podcasts and we’re happy to answer them. Anytime. So [email protected]. For any questions you have about podcasting, we’re happy to answer them.
John Corcoran 17:31
Alright. Thanks, everyone. Have a great day.
Outro 17:34
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