How would you like to throw a dinner party at your house for about a dozen people and have that group include a ‘who’s who’ of titans of Industry, Olympic athletes, CEOs, musicians and celebrities’ That sounds pretty good. AND how about all of your guests are doing all the cooking and cleaning ‘ they’re making YOUR dinner. Sounds too good to be true, right? Actually it’s not. My guess on this podcast, Jon Levy, does exactly that. Jon started a series of dinners at his own home in New York city that he calls ‘The Influencers Dinners. It started with a small group and gained momentum. And today it’s become a bit of a phenomenon.
But get this, Jon did not start with high-level connections. He is just a regular guy who had a crazy idea. He is actually a first generation immigrant. His family came over the U.S. when he was young so he has no special connections, didn’t know any high-level CEOs or celebrities; didn’t have any hookups. Fast Company has ranked him as one of its top 15 super connectors. He’s been profiled in Forbes and NY Times. And some amazing opportunities have come his from this simple concept. He’s gotten speaking gigs, consulting contracts, and even a book deal. So how does he do it’ And more important, how can YOU take this idea and make it your own? Jon breaks down in this interview how you can throw your own Influencer experience, which could be anything. It could be gathering a group of people for a cocktail party, it could be putting on a play, it could be a cultural event with a speaker, it could be a pickup basketball game. It’s not as complicated as you might think.
You’ll find out how in this interview:
- Jon explains the 3 key elements of organizing an influencer event and getting A-list celebrities and VIPs to yearn to attend your events
- Jon explains why the strength of a community lies in generosity, diversity and focusing on bringing people together to connect with each other (not with you)
- Why Jon says you should go out and embarrass yourself and that’s OK
- How to be a super connector, even if you don’t know anyone
- How to keep your cost down when organizing these types of events, and
- Finally the importance of creating your own secret traditions ‘ secrets which you don’t tell ANYONE about (he wouldn’t even tell me in this interview)
This episode is brought to you by my friends over at The Art of Charm podcast. The Art of Charm is an itunes Top 50 podcast overall ‘ one of the few truly independent podcasts in that top 50. And it’s no wonder why they do so well ‘ AoC is packed with wisdom from how to become more productive and professional to how to network better for business. I was honored to be a guest on the Art of Charm last year and I make sure to listen to almost every episode ‘ and it’s one of the very few podcasts I can say that for. Go to or find The Art of Charm in iTunes or Stitcher or your favorite podcasting app. I really enjoy this show and I think you will as well. Enjoy! Right Click here to download the MP3
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Sponsor: Rise25
This episode is sponsored today by Rise25, the training company founded by my business partner, Dr. Jeremy Weisz and myself with the mission of helping business owners from professional services get away from trading hours for dollars and shift from one to one client work to one to many programs and offers.
We are building a community of entrepreneurs who realize the world and economy is changing and who want to work smarter than trading time for money so they can scale up their business and spend time doing what they love.
Check out Rise25 to learn more about our retreats and training programs.
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