Currently reading: The Audacity to Win by David Plouffe – about the 2008 Obama Presidential campaign by ’08 campaign manager David Plouffe
Recently read books (books marked with asterisks indicate highly recommended):
- Great by Choice by Jim Collins** – I love Collins’ books.
- The Small Business Lifecycle by Charlie Gilkey
- Barefoot Executive by Carrie Wilkerson
- To Sell Is Human** by Daniel Pink
- Packing for Mars* by Mary Roach
- Decisive by Chip & Dan Heath
- Made to Stick by Chip & Dan Heath
- The Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell
- The Power of Habit** by Charles Duhigg. NY Times Reporter Duhigg created a fascinating study of what triggers our good and bad habits.
- Tribes by Seth Godin
- The Entrepreneur Equation by Carol Roth
- Eat That Frog by Brian Tracy
- Uncertainty by Jonathan Fields
- Drive: The Surprising Truth about what motivates us** by Daniel Pink
- The Impact Equation* by Chris Brogan
- Good to Great* by Jim Collins
- Book Yourself Solid by Michael Port