Currently reading: The Audacity to Win by David Plouffe – about the 2008 Obama Presidential campaign by ’08 campaign manager David Plouffe

Recently read books (books marked with asterisks indicate highly recommended):

  1. Great by Choice by Jim Collins** – I love Collins’ books.
  2. The Small Business Lifecycle by Charlie Gilkey
  3. Barefoot Executive by Carrie Wilkerson
  4. To Sell Is Human** by Daniel Pink
  5. Packing for Mars* by Mary Roach
  6. Decisive by Chip & Dan Heath
  7. Made to Stick by Chip & Dan Heath
  8. The Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell
  9. The Power of Habit** by Charles Duhigg. NY Times Reporter Duhigg created a fascinating study of what triggers our good and bad habits.
  10. Tribes by Seth Godin
  11. The Entrepreneur Equation by Carol Roth
  12. Eat That Frog by Brian Tracy
  13. Uncertainty by Jonathan Fields
  14. Drive: The Surprising Truth about what motivates us** by Daniel Pink
  15. The Impact Equation* by Chris Brogan
  16. Good to Great* by Jim Collins
  17. Book Yourself Solid by Michael Port