John Corcoran 10:03
Yeah, right. Absolutely. So that’s one that’s two types. So first was thought leadership, including seven different subcategories, including FAQs, frequently asked questions. The next one was referral partners, strategic partners and big champions was the third.
Jeremy Weisz 10:20
The third is clients, you know, have your clients on and profile them in their business and what they’re working on, obviously, they, you know, you have developed a relationship with them, you’re working with them, and profiling them. And also, obviously, throughout the conversation, they will, it will come up that you help them and they’ll probably hopefully say something nice about you there. And so it’s something you can point other companies to to say, hey, like, this is a great story. But also, this is one of our clients. And here’s a little bit about how we help them.
John Corcoran 10:55
Yeah, absolutely. And so that’s a great, great point. So featuring your clients. And, you know, it can be in different stages of the client journey or life cycle, it could be on the front end, it could be in the middle, it could be on the back end. So it doesn’t always have to be at the same stage of that client lifecycle. I just like to point that out to people because it could be, you know, someone who has been a client for quite some time, but you haven’t taken that relationship to the next level. Doing an area with someone is a great way to learn more about them. You build appreciation, they’re more appreciative of you after you’ve done that after you’ve, you’ve promoted them in their business. So it can take that relationship further. So that’s a great point.
Jeremy Weisz 11:38
Let me just say really quickly, so we gave the example of the first one, which is your thought leadership. The second one we talked about was referral and strategic partners. For example, it’s like we both had Ian Garlic on our show. He’s, we love his service. And if people are looking for key stories, specific cases, stories to do with our clients, we recommend ion and he recommends us as well. And we’ll profile him and have him on. And having that conversation to point towards that we go, Hey, check them out. Here’s the podcast we did with them, is a great way to feature and profile and give your network. You know, on the client side, we’d have many clients on her podcast, who talk about who, you know, without a saying, Oh, yeah, and I just want to mention, it’s been great working with you guys. And they’ll say good things about us.
John Corcoran 12:25
Yeah, I often say it’s the best way to get a testimonial, because it’s hard to ask people for testimonials, it’s hard to have that kind of confronting conversation around. What do you think of what we’ve done is very exposing and makes you very vulnerable. Whereas if you turn it from, I want you to become a testimonial on my website, so you can be part of my marketing, when you shift that from, I’d love to feature you on my podcast, so I can tell the world about your service, it’s a completely different ask, it’s a give rather than a take. And then ultimately, what ends up happening is they’ll end up saying some kind words about you. And I also say this, you know, coming from a legal background, as a lawyer, you know, a lot of people are sensitive about revealing who their clients are. Well, consent is a way for clients to acknowledge, you know, marketing content. So if they consent to being a guest on the podcast, and they talk about, you know, being a client of yours, they’ve consented to that being a public. So that is a great way to get client relationships out in the open and to be able to share with others, you know, some of the good work that you’re doing.
Jeremy Weisz 13:41
And another example, the client thing, so it allows me to, when I recommend our clients to other people, since we talked to a lot of people and we make five, you know, the 20 introductions every single day with the two of us, you know, like Adi, I interviewed Adi, right? And Adi Klevit, she’s amazing, with different, you know, mapping out processes for companies. I was talking to someone today and I said, “Hey”, they’re like, “Yeah, I really need these like processes in my companies”. I’m like, “I have the perfect person for you”. I sent them the interview. I go, “Here’s the interview I did with Adi. And, you know, check it out”. And I was able to send them like her methodology, her thought leadership and on my podcast.
John Corcoran 14:23
Yeah. And it becomes a much warmer introduction. I just said that this morning, Steve Simonson, and Guillaume, two of our clients at different points in time, introduced the two of them. And I included with the introduction, a link to the interview that I did. Yeah. So next one is potential clients.
Jeremy Weisz 14:40
Potential clients. So this could be potential clients you see out there and go to this person, you know, this would be great content. First of all, you know, it’s going to be someone in the industry. So it’s table stakes to say this is going to be great content. I always say that there’s different ways to create great content and we have their stuff on the internet. We also have a course that kind of goes through one section, his own whole sections about how to create great content. But the potential clients, it could be someone you see out there that you do not know at all. That is a potential client. I had someone introduce us to a potential client the other day, and I was like, wow, this person is like a rock star business. And before we even got into the conversation of, Hey, I’m thinking of starting a podcast, because that’s where they’re going and go, why don’t we? Why don’t I just have you on the podcast, and I’ll feature your story. And then afterwards, we’ll chat about what your questions are about podcasting. And so it’s a way to just also just give to that person, I didn’t go right into Let me tell you about all the stuff we do about how we can help you. I said, Let me help you first and profile you. And then we can have a conversation after so it could be people out there that you see companies out there that you’re like this would be a perfect, great content. It’s a great potential client. Or it’s someone that has introduced you as a client, potential client.
John Corcoran 15:59
What do you say to people who are hesitant to interview prospective clients, because they feel like maybe one reason might be that they feel like they need to be the expert. And the people that they are helping, don’t have anything of worth to share on a podcast.
Jeremy Weisz 16:24
You mean, in objection? When you ask someone that
John Corcoran 16:28
connection to you know, they’re there, you
Jeremy Weisz 16:30
ask someone and they say, Well, I’m, I’m not sure I have that much to share.
John Corcoran 16:35
Is that is that no, I, what I was asking about was, if we have someone who is doing a podcast, this often comes up with people who’ve been doing a podcast for a while, and they’ve only interviewed, you know, gurus, authors, speakers, which are the last category we haven’t gotten to yet. But that’s the only types of people they focused on. And we say, Well, have you interviewed any prospective clients? And they say, No, I’ve only interviewed gurus, authors, famous people, that sort of thing. Well, it’s a wonder you haven’t gotten clients out of this, you know, because you’re only interviewing people that it doesn’t they don’t care a lick that they’ve been a guest on your podcast? Because they’ve been on 100 other ones before. So what do you say to people when they need to make that shift? And they need to interview you know, diversify it and also interview people that may be a good prospective client for them?
Jeremy Weisz 17:27
Yeah, I mean, the people coming to us kind of realize there’s an issue, they don’t know what the issue is. And so one of the things we do is we go over these five categories, and we show them how heavily weighted they are on one of them. So it may be, which is the last one, maybe the first one, which is they’ve just you’ve been on calls where someone said, Oh, let me check out what you’re doing. Because a lot of people will come whether they have, they want to optimize their podcast. So they’ll like what I need to do. We also, they want to get out of the weeds of doing everything. And one of the things we look at is, oh, you’re only talking in front of a mic about your thought leadership, you’re not doing any of these other things. So it’s kind of going over what I tell them as I go over these things. And I told Tom the opportunities in each of these categories, and how it would benefit them. And the last one, which people are also skewed on, we find people are skewed on the first one, which is the thought leadership that just them recording their thought leadership, they’re not doing as many strategic referral partners are not doing as many clients and potential clients. And they are doing a lot of this last one, which is the authorities in space. So who are the big speakers, authors, gurus, influencers in the space, and they’re going after those types of interviews, they don’t make them. I don’t categorize those out and they don’t realize it, but they’re looking for bigger and bigger names. Which, you know, it’s going to be great content, because obviously, they’re experts in the industry. And it’s going to create a lot of social proof for having that person on the show. But what it doesn’t do, it’s like it’s harder, because like you said, when you’re profiling those people, they’re very busy. They’re very busy people. And the way we talk about a podcast is forming real relationships and giving to our relationships. And they’re just so busy, it’s sometimes hard to get deeper with some of these people.
John Corcoran 19:25
Right? Absolutely. Yeah, yeah. And I’ll even add a sub category. So the other way you said authorities in the space some people only pursue authorities outside of the space. So you know, there are people that have achieved some notoriety, notoriety or fame, but not in the field that that person that the pod host is focused on. And so you know, they interview whoever’s famous in other fields, but it doesn’t have any strategic benefit. You know, the other thing I tell people is look over the next five years, 10 years in life, Your network is constantly evolving. The people that you know, the people that you have relationships with are constantly evolving, you add people, you drop people, you can either do that intentionally or not. And if you’re interviewing a bunch of B list celebrities who were on survivor, and you’re interviewing celebrity chefs, and you’re interviewing, you know, someone who wrote some book and hit the Amazon bestseller list in some small sub category for a week and a half, and you’re taking all the PR pitches that came in, good luck to you, but that’s gonna that your network is going to be reflective of the time that you spent nurturing relationships with those types of people, rather than focusing on authorities in your space leaders in your space speakers in your space authors in your space.
Jeremy Weisz 20:43
A good example, John, is that there’s been people that we have consulted with and know that their business is like a b2b business. And they had a long string of comedians on. And so in that situation, great. Like, I love comedy, right? If it were up to me, I’d be like, yeah, I’m having every episode with the comedian. And I would get pure enjoyment out of that. But you have to kind of see, okay, maybe one out of every, whatever number that you’ll allow yourself to do that just because it’s of self interest. And it’s interesting, but what’s gonna keep someone continuing doing a podcast is making sure it serves the goals and the mission of the content and the business, in which case, you someone will quit very quickly. Typically, if they go another route, and you’re like, this isn’t doing anything for me. I mean, this is fun, but it’s time and energy. Right, right.
John Corcoran 21:39
Right, exactly. So just to sum those up, again, summarize the five different categories. Jeremy, you want to run through them?
Jeremy Weisz 21:46
Yeah, for us. So there’s the thought leadership thought leadership of this is internal to the team. And, you know, the pert the founder or CEO or the team itself, there’s referral partners, strategic partners, there’s clients, you can have on for interviews, you have potential clients on for interviews, and then you could have authorities in the space if there’s, you know, bigger names, authority, speakers, authors, celebrities in the space. And those are when you think of the buckets that you’re gonna produce content falling into one of those buckets.
John Corcoran 22:19
Yep, exactly. All right. Thanks, everyone. Thank you, Jeremy. Where can people go to learn more about us? Or what else can we do to help people who want to go deeper with this and explore the possibility of having their own podcast?
Jeremy Weisz 22:35
Yeah, I mean, one of the things that we do is we always recommend people who we start with, we do this dream 100 process with people and it’s very personal. It’s one on one calls, it’s three calls, typically where we map out a six to 12 month plan. So if it’s something you’re interested in doing, you can email us and go to and you can go to the Contact Us page, or email [email protected]. If you want to check out more episodes, go to and check out the podcast that John is the host of and you can go to and check out some of the interesting interviews I’ve done there.
John Corcoran 23:19
Alright, thanks, everyone. Have a great day. Thanks for being here.
Outro 23:23
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