John Corcoran 6:22
One thing that really struck me about you when we first met was, on the one hand, you went through, as you said, 24 surgeries, no doubt that is so time consuming, so painful occupies your life for years and years. And yet on the other hand, you said that you had friends who didn’t even realize you have this injury? Yeah. How did that happen? How and that seems like complete contrast, but to me that, on the one hand, it was so time consuming. So it’s so much suffering, and then the other hand that people didn’t know.
Brian Bogert 6:55
Yeah, so people knew when it was happening. Sure, when that and what that conversation is, I mean, so it’s interesting to me, right? for anybody who watches this can see my arms are different, right? My left arm, you know, and it’s funny that you say on one hand, on the other hand, right, like, here’s a perfect example, this example on the other hand, but what’s what’s what’s interesting to me is, it’s it’s not who I am. It’s something that happened to me. And so after I got through the recovery, I don’t sit here and coddle my arm. And despite the fact that it’s very obvious to me, it’s four inches shorter. My hands are different. I’m often in short sleeves.
John Corcoran 7:33
Because I live in Arizona.
Brian Bogert 7:35
I live in Arizona. Yeah, because I don’t make an issue of it. I think it’s interesting, because I have literally had friends for five years. And I’ll make some comment, like, Oh, yeah, cuz my accident, oh, because my arm and they’ll say, What are you talking about? And I’m like, What do you think I did blows my mind that they don’t notice. But there’s a huge percentage of people that don’t notice. And when I’ve asked them, like, how did you not notice they’re like, well, they’re you don’t do anything that draws attention to it. Like you compete in sports, you do everything in, like, it’s just, it’s never held you back from who you are. And so they haven’t really paid attention to it. Now, I’m intimately aware of the differences in my arms. I also feel like I noticed differences in other people’s bodies very quickly. So injuries, you know, different things I pick up on because I’m hypersensitive to it. But I think a lot of people probably wouldn’t jump out, unless they were really paying attention to it.
John Corcoran 8:24
Do you think that you are just naturally that kind of person where you don’t dwell on? On the accident? Or was there ever kind of a turning point where you made an affirmative decision that you’re not going to let this hold you back?
Brian Bogert 8:42
Yeah, so I think it’s a combination of both to be honest. You know, there’s a lot of people who described me as and to my parents, right? They’d be like, Oh, man, Brian had a brush with death. And now he’s on this mission to conquer the world. That was my second grade teacher who said that to them, like the year after my accident, and they were like, No, no, like, this is exactly who Brian is. And this is how he was born. And, and this is how he was my statement when I was like, two in a really raspy low voice would be like, didn’t hurt, right? I did. I would just like to stand up and say that. That said, it also was an intentional decision, despite the fact that I was hard wired that way. Because when something like this happens, and I remember this vividly, first I thought it was a dream. And I’m laying in the hospital bed in the ICU thinking it was a dream, and then a few days would go on, and all of a sudden, I realized it’s not a dream. I am awake. I’m not going to wake up from this, right? And then it’s really quick to feel sorry for yourself, like why me? And even as a seven year old, I know that might sound crazy, but I remember that feeling sitting there like Why me? Like why did my arm get ripped off? Why am I having to go through this? Why am I having to deal with these things? And all of a sudden in the ICU, we have a bunch of families that are coming up to us saying we’re so sorry, we’re so sorry that this happened, right? We’re so sorry. This happened to you like what can we do to help? How can we jump in and help? And then we come to find out their kid is lying In the bed next to me with a terminal illness, and they don’t know if they’re going to live another year, or another month or another six months. And so his perspective, his powerful perspective points is that what’s important, and what I realized in that first two weeks in the hospital, I didn’t know whether or not my arm would be secure at that point. I mean, we were in the very beginning of a long journey, I didn’t know if I’d ever have use of it again, I didn’t know if I would ever feel in my arm again. But the one thing I knew, after the initial threat to my life is that I was gonna be alive, right. And so when you see these kids that are literally 789 10 1112 years old, laying in the ICU bed, and they’re all hooked up to tubes, and they might not live another month, that hits home really, really quickly. So the one I said, the first lesson I learned was learn not to get stuck by what had happened to me, but get moved by what I could do with it. It’s also a technique that I use around awareness. And it’s been something that’s been documented and proven by Dr. Tasha urich, and her research on self awareness. I will also say that same statement is I learned not to get stuck by why this had happened to me, you read all the white questions, I was asking when I was laying in the bed, but instead get moved by what I can do with it. Why keeps us circling the drain on a never ending quest for answers that we might not ever get? What keeps us future focused and objective, and allows us to really put into action those pieces that have maybe been holding us back?
John Corcoran 11:20
Yeah, my, our fourth child, our daughter, my wife was in the hospital at UCSF, Children’s Hospital for six weeks before she was born. And he saw all manner of other kids and all kinds of suffering all kinds of permanent, you know, some kids obviously had terminal illness, other kids had, you know, permanent birth defects that were gonna affect them for life. And so similar type of experience, where you look around and we were very fortunate, our daughter was totally fine after that, after that experience, but still at the time, we didn’t know. And you look around, you realize there are others that always have it worse. Talk a little bit about, you know, in the coaching the work that you do, no doubt you have people who come to you who feel sorry for themselves for different things, whether it’s a job loss, divorce, in a funk, depression, whatever. How do you get them to, as you described, to get moved by what they can do with it? How do you get them to go from fixating on the way in which they’re suffering, to being moved to, to motivate that to actually take action?
Brian Bogert 12:28
Yeah, so there’s a combination of things. I’m a big believer in all of my work, no matter what topic or category, we’re touching upon, everything starts with awareness. And so I always start with helping people just become aware and see very, very clearly who they are, their own emotional triggers their own behavioral patterns that have maybe put them in that self-defeating place. And it’s it I’m a big believer, and we got to turn the lens on ourselves. Sometimes we can do that ourselves. Sometimes we need to get external feedback to do that. But when I get folks that are saying, like, oh, why did I get passed up for the promotion? Why? Why, why am I having an issue in my marriage? Why can’t I ever seem to make money? Why can’t I seem to grow? Like, the reality of it is we are products of our emotional triggers and our behavioral patterns. So until we understand kind of the context in the body of life, and the fact that these cycles tend to repeat themselves time and time again, it’s hard for us as an individual to take ownership and realize that there are probably things that we are doing that are keeping us stuck there. And so instead of taking the victim mentality, it’s how do we flip this in our head and start to take ownership so that we can move through it? Right. So it’s the same philosophy, if you really think about it, when I was laying there in the bed, I could have been the victim, right. And I often was the center of attention after my accident where people just assumed I couldn’t do something, or Oh, poor Brian, or I had a, you know, a sling for years. And I just never wanted that to define me. So for me, there was a big motivator that I didn’t want to be defined by. So I was on a mission to break boundaries and expectations just out of the gate, because I wasn’t going to be boxed in that way. Not everybody’s had those same types of experiences that have forced them to do that. But you know, I was working with a client last week. And they’ve had, he’s a business owner, he’s a successful guy. He’s made great money in his life. And still, there was this conversation that kept recurring in their household that was about finances. And, and he always felt like his wife had bad spending habits. Right? So historically, they’ve had this conversation over the course of 10 to 15 years of being together multiple times. And it always ends in an argument. Well, what was happening is he was going into those conversations, we need to tighten this up, we need to do this, we need to do that. But what was he really saying and what was she hearing is you right? She’s the problem, not him? Well, so he called me with this idea of like, how do we work through this? How do we get unstuck on this financial side? Because if I can’t fix this at home, I can’t do this in my business, and how am I ever going to build the wealth and what I want to do that hit the goals that I want to operate at that level of performance? Well, after asking questions and paring it back what we uncovered is that he’s operating from a position of scarcity that’s deeply rooted emotional trigger for him that impacts multiple different areas of his life. So every time he goes into that conversation, he knows it’s going to end in misery. So what does he do? He avoids the topic for months, until all of a sudden he’s feeling the pressure of finances at home, and then it blows up into an argument. And he tries to have a productive conversation, the pattern kept repeating itself. So I said, What if you are just really tight and once we got to the scarcity piece, it became clear, what if you went to her and said, hey, we’ve been doing this for 15 years, and the pattern keeps repeating itself. And for a long time, I was pointing the finger at you. But the reality of it is, what I’ve realized is that I have scarcities particularly as it relates to money. And so what I’m realizing is that I have an emotional trigger on this, and I’m projecting and manifesting that into you, which is preventing us from having a productive, future focused conversation, because I’m getting stuck in the past versus focused on how do we build our communication around this? How do we build a plan that we’re mutually agreeable to? How can I contribute to approaching you in a way that isn’t gonna put you on the defensive? Right, there’s all these pieces. But that started with awareness, we had to get him aware that the issue in those conversations wasn’t wasn’t her. It was him. And it was a scarcity of he was entering into the conversation with and then we had to shift it to how do we change our language and approaching behavior that’s different than the pattern that has existed in our life, right? Because the reality of it is that scarcity mindset, it is impacting his life, it is impacting his marriage, it’s impacting his business. Right? So how do we get him to move through that? How do we not start it with awareness? First, there’s no way he can be intentional to have that conversation in a different pattern moving forward.
John Corcoran 16:31
Huh? When did you, you know, you were building your career for many years? What point did you start to speak? At what point did you start to stand on stage and tell your story?
Brian Bogert 16:45
Well, before my career started? You know, you and I talked about it before we even hit record today, right? I’ve told this story so many times. Yeah, the reality of it is, there’s not a whole lot of people you meet that has your arm ripped off and reattached. And then they have pretty much full practical use of it, you know, almost 30 years later. And so since I was a small club, very small club, and I’ve known a number of amputees who had reattachment that either didn’t stick or their arm wasn’t functional, or what have you. But, you know, the reality of it is, I’ve never been shy, I’ve always had a loud voice. And I have a very unique story. So I’ve been speaking, since I was seven years old on big stages. Now, there was a shift, though, for 20 years, almost, that was exclusively focused on perspective, motivation, direction, teaching people to, like, see what’s possible, other people who have a difficult healthcare journey, giving them perspective on like, you can do this, like, you know, it’s really more motivational. And then fundraising. So because it was unique, I also helped raise a lot of money for organizations, health care organizations, using the story to benefit them. When I shifted professionally was about seven years ago. And when I hired my first coach, I was stuck. It was right after we had our kids six months went by like that I was burning the candle at both ends, I wasn’t being aware or intentional in areas of my life, I hired him and a month in, he goes over, you’re gonna be doing this. I said, What are you talking about? And he goes speaking and coaching and I said, yeah, whatever, I’m paying you a lot of money, not to tell me how great I am. But tell me to figure out these other things, not add something else to my plate. And he said, Okay, and then you just trickled it month over month over month for about nine months. And the universe sent me some very loud signs that told me he was correct. And that’s when I jumped in, which was about five and a half years ago, where I decided that this is what I’m going to do. In addition to running my other business, I hadn’t decided at that moment to chase it full time. 100% focus. But he said, You’re already speaking, you’re already coaching, why not get paid for it, make a business out of this, and you can still impact a lot of lives. But you can get compensated for your ability to communicate, and give people perspective, motivation and direction. So he told me what I needed to hear, not what I wanted to hear. But it turns out, I’m forever indebted to him, because he pushed me on this path.
John Corcoran 19:01
Hmm. And at what point? Do you know and I know one of the big messages that you share with people actually, let me let me launch in that first is the importance of embracing pain to avoid suffering. So talk a little bit about what that philosophy is. And then I’ll ask you about from a business perspective, how perfect place and perfect
Brian Bogert 19:21
So you know, the world tells us to reduce, eliminate or avoid pain, and I’m telling you the world is wrong. I believe we all must choose our pain or our suffering will choose us. So So let’s look at what this actually means the difference between pain and suffering and I’ll give a couple of examples and then we can jump into what you talked about. You know, it’s interesting because pain is defined, right as short term intermittent and heals after the direct cause is removed. But what we tend to do as a society is we’ll put clarifying words in front of it like acute or chronic pain. When we put chronic pain in front of the word pain, it immediately changes the definition, because chronic implies that it’s not short term. Right, and it persists after the direct causes are removed. So anything that’s longer than short term, intermittent and is still there isn’t chronic pain, it’s suffering. And we don’t want to admit that suffering exists, particularly when it’s a direct result of our choices. But what I’m encouraging people to do is to break that evolutionary response to avoid or remove pain, and really learn to lean into it for our benefit. So a few examples, right, we can embrace the pain of hitting the gym 30 minutes a day, to avoid the suffering of aches and pains of a sedentary lifestyle, we can embrace the pain of having our kids put away their mobile devices, the dinner table, and the fit, they’re sure to throw to avoid the suffering, right of years of missed meaningful conversation. as business owners, we can fire we can embrace the pain of firing our top salesperson to avoid the suffering of stagnant growth, losing all of our other top talent because they’re the biggest cancer in our culture, right, as sales people and people who are growing businesses, we can embrace the pain of doing the things that are necessary to build new relationships, fill up our funnel network, establish ourselves in some of the more painful activities that produce results to avoid the suffering of not having the pipeline that’s going to sustain the long term growth we want. And this, this relates in every category of our life. And so what I really want people to understand is, we really need to look at pain as a critical tool to our success. And where we tend to turn away from that, it becomes even more important, I’ll give one more example, we can embrace the pain of a difficult conversation with a loved one, our spouse, right to avoid the suffering of being in a loveless marriage when we really want a divorce, or vice versa. Being in a horrible, toxic relationship. And being stuck. The reality of it is we tend to just avoid those things that really help. He is us through those moments of discomfort, when they’re going to help us in our long term path.
John Corcoran 21:49
So what I want to ask you about from a business perspective, it’s fascinating, but I want to ask you from business perspective, you know, you went into insurance and I as I’ve gotten older, I’ve joked that I wish someone had taken me aside at a young age, and, and said, Look, Listen, kid, go into insurance. It is like, having studied different business models, it is the most brilliant business model out there, because you sell it once you benefit from it for years to come. So your
Brian Bogert 22:17
residual income for you.
John Corcoran 22:18
So I’ve met you know, people that are in insurance, they’re in their 50s. And they’re just kicking back, they’re just enjoying life, because they’ve, they’ve put in all their work, which I think is really cool. But you’ve left that or you were in the process, the process of leaving that for a different business model, coaching and speaking, which kind of puts you onto the treadmill. Now you might have had more of a passion for it. But it does from a business model perspective puts you more into the treadmill of having to eat what you kill on a regular basis. So taco, you’re
Unknown Speaker 22:46
absolutely right.
John Corcoran 22:47
So talk to me a little bit about that, from a business perspective, what the journey has been like for you shifting in your business model.
Brian Bogert 22:56
Yeah, so you hit the nail on the head, and you are 100%. Correct. You know, the reality of it is if I summarize it in the most simplistic way, and then I’ll expand on this, I had to embrace the pain of walking away from a known entity, what was going to be an easy button at that point in my life, to avoid the suffering of not ever knowing what the real impact is I could have on this planet. The reality of it is like I am not a believer in what I was doing over there. And what I was doing over here, I didn’t reach a point where I didn’t feel I could continue to grow either at the rate that I wanted to, while doing both. And what I also realized is that the more time I spent coaching, the more I wanted to spend coaching. So yeah, I walked away from a lot, a lot of recurring income, a lot of a lot of potential future income in a business that had already been built, because the residual was gonna be there. We were growing organically, you know, double digits every single year, which is directly correlated to income. So by no means do I, that is not lost on me.
John Corcoran 23:58
And now I’m going to ignore your family and friends, I’m sure because that’s the other thing yet. You know, it’s one thing for you to believe in it. But it’s another thing you have family friends saying What are you doing?
Brian Bogert 24:06
Yeah. And so what prompted it truthfully was I never thought when I started my human behavior and coaching business, that it would be my full time I again, I dismissed it when my coach first brought it up. And about a year and a half ago, my wife and I went away for a weekend without the kids and we had one of the most spectacular weekends emotionally, spiritually, physically. I mean, like, everything was thinking that weekend, right? Just amazing. And we’re driving to pick up the kids and she looks over at me and she says, How would you feel if you didn’t come to the office on Monday morning? And I got chills when she said and I was like, that’s a pretty loaded question. Why don’t you tell me more. Now I have some other health stuff that had happened a couple of years back that really did Rattle my energy and my I was getting a lot of brain fog and we’re through that now. So I’m good and we’re on the right path. But she started with that. She said I think you’ll have this health stuff to allow fear to enter into your world in a way that I’ve never seen. She said, I think you are at a place in your life where you have accomplished more than you thought you would. And certainly more than you sought out to. But she said, I also feel like you’ve convinced yourself that we need the money, we need the security, we need this business, we need all these other things. And she said, I’m here to tell you, we don’t. She said, I also believe that you are barely scraping the surface of your potential. And she said, I know you’re not having the impact on the world that you really want to have deep down. And so she said, we took a bet on you once. And if you want to take a bet on you twice, I’m willing to double down. And let’s see where this can go. Right? You’re right, the work looks very different. I am a big believer, though, that although there’s residual income in the prior world, and insurance, meaning I don’t necessarily have to generate new clients constantly, it also gets stale. I was bored, if I’m being completely honest, right? Like, there’s only so much you can master in that game. And I was in it for 15 years. And it was getting to a point where you know, I’m also a builder, not an operator. So getting us from nothing to 15 million really motivated me getting us from 15 to 20, or 25, or 30 sort of motivated me, but it wasn’t like that was moving the needle, having an impact on people’s lives is deeply meaningful to me. I’m on a mission right now to impact a billion lives in the next 25 years. And I know that 99.999% of those will never pay me $1. But I also know that if I show up, and I focus on relationships, value and impact, I’m extremely aligned with who I am. And all of the things that I manifest like money is never going to be an issue. We’re gonna be fine. Right? But it was my first fear when she challenged me was just that, like, oh, what am I walking away from? And I had to get really clear on that. And I had to answer the questions, right, that were fear based? Like, am I a one hit wonder, Will I ever be able to build another business? Again? Like, will I really be able to have that impact? Well, right, we’ll get back to the income level that I’m at now. Because it’s way more than I thought I would ever make. Right? And all of those questions went through my mind. But what I kept coming back to was, I believe, to my core that I endured the amount of pain that I have, for the sole purpose of being able to reduce it in the lives of other people. And if I don’t turn into that, and honor that, then it’s a disservice to me. And it’s a disservice to anybody that I could potentially serve. Because I was limiting the number of people that I could coach in my other business because I didn’t have the time or capacity, I limited the number of times I could talk or be on the podcast or any other thing, because I didn’t have the capacity. I mean, we’re running, we’re running a big business, we have over 60 Associates, like there was a lot going on. Um, so I had, you know, regret minimization theory was one of the biggest things that drove my decision. Right? When I’m 85 years old, I’m sitting on a beach having my favorite drink, looking out at the ocean. Looking back on my life, I believed at that moment that I would regret more hitting the easy button than I would taking a chance. Because the reality of it is, the right time is the only thing I can’t create more of. I can create more money, I can create more opportunities, I can create more relationships. And I knew that if this crashed and burned, which I don’t believe it’s going to or has so far, right. But if this crashed and burned, I knew I could stand on my own two feet and go get a job. If I needed to, I’d be fine. So I needed to see what I could do. That’s what it came down to. And I wanted my kids to witness not hitting the easy button, but doing something that you deeply believe in. Yeah, and even if I fail, I’d rather them see that than me to succeed hitting the easy button.
John Corcoran 28:36
It’s such a great story. And of course, in light of what you just said, How appropriate is it that when you make that decision to burn the boats to move on, start a new thing. COVID heads. It’s almost like it’s like layers of irony or something like that. So in addition to the fact that you’re starting over in a new industry, you have also a global pandemic of epidemic proportions, something we haven’t seen in 100 years. What was that? Like? Were there any second guesses at that point? Like Well, maybe you know, I was wrong about this whole
Brian Bogert 29:12
I’d be lying if I said it didn’t cross my mind like oh, maybe timings not right. But you know, I sat with it for a little bit longer. And I had a lot of people I mean, my prior firm, they wanted me to stay a little bit longer. I had a lot of people who were like, are you going to pause for a few more months. And the reality is I did all of the work because I made this decision. Summer of last year. I put it into action in September of last year with my CEO and my business partners. I was clear I was convicted. And you know, I spent 15 years building a business that started in a down economy and the Oh 60 70 80 years and so I knew what it was like to view that as opportunity versus risk. Particularly when you have a low baseline to start with. You can only really go up right. And so I just decided I was gonna do it and honestly, it was a blessing in disguise. You and I talked about this on our last call. I mean this So something that, that really I didn’t anticipate wasn’t a part of my business model, I had a number of paid live stages get cancelled out of the gate. And I was like, Well, alright, so revenue projections are gonna change because you get paid to be on stage. And I also typically, from a live stage convert clients, right to coaching and other revenue streams within our business. And when those evaporated, it was one of those things where I was like, Okay, so what do I do now? So I pivoted to virtual stages. And I had said to you, right, to my own detriment, and in my own lack of knowledge, probably because I was in one of the oldest established industries in the world, I completely devalued podcasts and other forms of virtual stages. Well, that’s all that existed when COVID said, well, I’ve devalued these in the past, let’s give it a shot. And I invested in building out the virtual studio that you see today, right with the right equipment, high quality camera, because I was like, Look, it’s all about how we show up. So if I can differentiate based on how I show up on screen, that’ll be one thing. And then what’s been fascinating to me is it completely changed my growth trajectory, thought process, I had a very traditional stage coaching stage coaching route, right, or group coaching or work with an organization. And that’s what I had done on the side. And it worked. But I also was like, kind of isolated to my backyard in the southwest, because that’s primarily where my relationships were 10 podcasts. And I don’t remember exactly what I had shared with you when this started, but I was like, Okay, let’s go do this and sought after 10 to 12 podcasts, thinking like, cool this, let’s let’s dip our toe in the water in the last four months that has blown up, because I’ve now been a guest on over 80 podcasts in four months. And it has completely changed my belief on what reach really is. And when I talk about that billion lives, I want to impact this is one of the fastest ways to get there. Right? Like, because it’s mobile scale. Yeah, exactly. I mean, I’ve been on podcasts based on the UK, I’ve been on to based out of India, and I’m now doing business collaborations on side projects based in Australia and the UK that never would have existed without COVID. Yeah, because it wouldn’t have forced us all to do this. And it wouldn’t have forced me to change how I’m going to do my virtual setup. And I think I also shared with you I even changed the way I started communicating. So from a long form, stage live event type talk to now three to five minute sound bites, so that no matter where in a podcast, somebody’s listening or consuming, they get value. And again, focus on relationships, value and impact. And so COVID actually has ended up being a blessing because four months into doing that now, the inbound activity for our business is unlike anything I’ve seen in this business before. And I’m all in on this strategy now. And you challenged me to start my own. And there’s some stuff that’s that’s in the works with a challenge.
John Corcoran 32:52
It’s not unique to you, not no fun. No, everybody.
John Corcoran 32:56
Everyone does the same thing. Yeah, that they should do it. Yeah. And
Brian Bogert 32:59
I just again, to my own detriment, I just missed it. So the reason I say that so clearly, anybody who’s listening to this, listen to John, and either find a way to get on podcasts or start your own, there is incredible value. And I’ve had more conversations with some of the coolest, most interesting people I’ve ever met in my life, all compressed into four months. I mean, it’s been phenomenal what has happened as a result of this, so I’m drinking the Kool Aid now, it’ll be a part of my strategy now and long after COVID.
John Corcoran 33:23
Well, he was certainly a glass half full kind of guy. But I love your perspective on COVID in particular, and how you can kind of look at the bright side and all that. I’m big fan of gratitude and being grateful for what you have, which I can tell you are as well. When you look around at, let’s say, peers who are doing what you want to be doing in this new, you know, Brian 2.0 version, the new business that you’re embarking on, you look at like other coaches and thought leaders and experts and stuff like that, who do you admire?
Brian Bogert 33:58
That’s a really good question. One of the first names that comes to mind is David Meltzer. He’s someone that, you know, he’s had it all, he’s lost it all. He’s built it back up again. But he’s also really, really focused on people and impact. And he’s one of the most genuine and authentic way guys I’ve seen in the space in terms of how he gives and adds value and puts a ton of free content out. He and I shared a virtual stage, we’ve ended up doing some work together. He’s just incredible. Another one that I didn’t know pre COVID but I’ve gotten to know as a result of it is a gentleman by the name of Anthony trucks. Phenomenal story ex NFL player. He did American Ninja Warrior. He’s on Jim’s. He’s also a coach, speaker and influencer. And again, he’s just, he’s just a real deal. You know, I don’t I don’t say this negatively, per se towards anybody directly. But there’s a lot of snake oil salesmen in this space. There’s a lot of fake gurus. There’s a lot of people that are focused on ego first and image and, you know, posting pictures of planes and jets is another thing, right? Yeah. And and, and the reality is, look if that works for them, and that’s what they want to do awesome. But, you know, the people I’m drawn to is are people who are probably a little bit more aligned with me, because there’s so many people in the space that I think use those negative emotions like fear and shame and scarcity and guilt, and to drive people into their programs, right, and get them dependent on their thought process and make them believe that whatever they’re doing isn’t good enough. And here, I’ve got the secret magic pill, well, guess what, there is no magic pill. Right? And, and second, I’m just completely different, because I want to use those negative emotions and actually have my clients understand what that means where that’s held them back, so they can flip it on their head, use it to their advantage, right. And my goal, and this, again, to your point on recurring residual income, I don’t have any desire to get a bunch of clients dependent on me to work with me for years on end, I want to elevate and empower people to the level that they are putting all this good into the world, the people they impact will be a part of my billion number. And the reality of it is if you do it, right, you’re gonna have so many referrals in this world that I’m going to constantly have residuals coming from the people that I’ve impacted. So, Anthony trucks, David Meltzer, there are two that I’ve been really, really drawn to. There’s another guy, he’s not so much in the speaker influencer space, but he also has a really big podcast. It’s Chris Ross. He’s based in the UK guys just phenomenal. He has a great podcast called The Win Win effect. And I’ve just been really blessed, frankly, to align with some really amazing people. So, you know, and I’ve always loved Tony Robbins, I think, you know, he just got some really good classic stuff. And that’s the thing in our space, like the reality of it is, so much of this isn’t new. Right? Like, even when I talk about embracing pain, avoid suffering. It’s not like it’s an absolutely ground shaking, earth shattering concept, like, is it revolutionary in the way that I position? it? Potentially? does it connect and resonate with some people in a different way than it might be communicated by somebody else, of course, but the reality of it is, it’s all about relevance and credibility, showing up doing the work trying to add value in a genuine, authentic way. And I think that those are the people in space that have the long tenure, and those are the ones that really have transformation in people’s lives. And that’s, that’s, that’s all I can hope to do.
John Corcoran 37:18
That’s great, Brian, well,
we’re running short on time. So I’m gonna wrap up the last question I always ask, which is, let’s pretend we’re at an awards banquet, much like the Oscars or the Emmys. you’re receiving an Award for Lifetime Achievement for everything you’ve done up until this point? And who do you think the condition of family and friends were the mentors? Who are the business partners who are reviewed? acknowledged,
Brian Bogert 37:37
I’m gonna try to rattle this off relatively quickly. I know we’re wrapping up on time, hands down, no questions asked, the first person on that list is my wife, I would not be the man I am today. Without her. What I see in the world in terms of human behavior and patterns and things, she closes the other 50%. So what gets communicated into the world, frankly, is a combination of her and I and our observations and our understanding of people and our own intuition. So my wife has challenged me to be better, she’s challenged me to brace for pain. So that’s hands down, clearly my parents and my brother because I wouldn’t be where I am. Without them. They helped me get through these trying times. And then I’ve just been really blessed to have great friends and mentors, there’s too many to list. But there is one that comes to mind that I want to acknowledge. And she’s connecting me with a lot of great people. Her name is Sue glaa, she had one of the coolest jobs on the planet. She was director of community relations for a large health insurance company. But basically, she was the woman behind the scenes with everything major that’s happened in the valley in Arizona over the last 40 years. She knows everybody, she influenced everybody she’s giving. And she got to write checks to all the organizations in the community. And she connected me with somebody else that it has one of my favorite quotes, which basically is there’s no limit to what one can accomplish as long as they care about who gets the credit. And so she really, really changed the way I viewed giving and philanthropic work, which is where I’ve spent 30% of my time over the last 15 or 15 years. So she’s had a huge impact. And there’s again, there’s just too many to list in a short period of time. But that’s that’s the shortlist I’ll start with.
John Corcoran 39:08
That’s great. Brian, where can people go learn more about you and connect with you?
Brian Bogert 39:13
Yep. on all social media platforms, I’m at Bogert Brian. You can go to my website, I always say it’s Brian with an eye and booger vo je e RT, because a lot of people end up spelling that wrong. And then for anybody who is interested in some of the concepts that we talked about today, with awareness, intentionality kind of working through some of these things, I have a free resource for you as well. You can go to It’s a summary of a lot of our coaching philosophies into a really bite sized format to help you ask the right questions of yourself. Take yourself on a quick, intrinsic journey. And I know it’ll add value to anybody listening.
John Corcoran 39:47
Brian, thanks for sharing your story today.
Brian Bogert 39:49
John, thank you for doing everything you do and putting all this debt in the world brother. grateful to be with you.
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