LinkedIn is one of the most powerful social networks available today. But a lot of people find it very confusing. Many people sign up, set up a profile, and then don’t know what to do next. They end up abandoning it or wasting a lot of time because they don’t know how to use LinkedIn and to make it work for them. That’s where my guests Lori Ruff and Mike O’Neil come in.
Lori and Mike are known as the “LinkedIn Rock Stars” and they shown hundreds of people how to use LinkedIn for business. I’ve been privileged to be a guest on their podcast, Rock the World with LinkedIn, where they combine their passion for music with their passion for LinkedIn (yes, really!). What I love about them is they are willing to express some of their individual personalities, which is so rare in the often-stuffy world of business. So definitely check out their podcast. In this episode, Lori and Mike share some great tips on how to maximize your LinkedIn profile, how to use LinkedIn effectively, and how to develop and nurture relationships using LinkedIn. Enjoy!
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