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Business Networking Tips – An A to Z Guide

The Bill Clinton Guide to Networking – in this post, I share what I learned working in the Clinton White House from one of the most talented networkers of all time (no matter what side of the aisle you are on), Bill Clinton.


  • The most powerful and effective networking techniques Bill Clinton used in the Oval Office
  • Clinton’s strategy for using handwritten notes
  • how to make other people feel invested in your success by soliciting their input

How to Network Effectively Using Follow-Up’s – sending follow-ups to people you meet is one of the best things you can do to broaden your network. I show you how to manage follow-ups over time in a way that is easy and pain-free.

Key Points:

  • the two free features you can use to turbo-charge networking
  • a “shortcut” that will quickly accelerate the effectiveness of your LinkedIn networking
  • how to automate your follow-ups

How to Network At an Event ? going to face-to-face networking events is one of the most effective strategies for growing your business and advancing your career. Even in today?s social media-obsessed day and age, getting out from behind the laptop and meeting people in person is crucially important.

Key Points:

  • you must have a positive attitude going into a ace-to-face networking event
  • research other attendees in advance so you make the most effective use of your time & know who to talk to
  • set a goal for each networking event of a certain number of business cards collected, people met, or follow up appointments set.

How to Network for Business ? some of the most skilled networkers are politicians, whose careers live and die on the strength of their network. That’s why you can learn a lot about how to network for business by studying politicians.

Key Points:

  • put together a networking list of 50+ people who you want to get to know.
  • ditch the “me first” attitude and make friends first.
  • when networking, be yourself. Don’t be a watered-down, sanitized version of yourself.
  • deepen relationships with people who you are networking with by asking about their families

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