042: Gary Vaynerchuk of VaynerMedia | Why Good Manners are a “Tangible Asset to Your Success”


Gary Vaynerchuk’s first words on this episode of the Smart Business Revolution podcast were: “That’s a really good question. I already like the tone of this interview, and I’ve been doing a lot of these.”

What prompted Gary to say that? Find out in today’s episode.

The founder of Vaynermedia, vigorous social media advocate, and bestselling author also shares:

  • why he did one interview per day throughout all of 2013, and what he wants his great-grandchildren to know about him personally.
  • why good manners are a tangible asset to your success
  • why he says social media is a “place to story tell” natively, rather than a means for sharing stories.
  • why the simple act of doing a podcast interview creates a much stronger bond between the interviewer and the interviewee (I totally agree with this statement!).


By the way, that was my 3-year-old son introducing today’s episode – nice work, Mason! (Mason was actually just joined by a new younger brother, Tobey Reid Corcoran, who was born on February 20th. Mom and Tobey are both healthy and doing well.)

After you listen to the interview, grab a copy of Gary’s new book,?Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook (affiliate link) – you’ll love it. Enjoy!

Resources from this Episode:

Enjoy the show!