John Corcoran 13:42
Was there a breaking point was there straw that broke the camel’s back that finally convinced you they needed to shut it down?
Ryan Niddel 13:49
There was when my personal bank account and the business bank account were both at zero? And said, Well, gosh, I don’t I’m not gonna go out and you know, try to raise some debt to make this happen, I’m going to have to do is throw in the towel and even then not really admit defeat, just throw in the towel for a minute, I will wasn’t able to or refuse to face the reality of the situation, which was that was my fault, right? I was looking at, well, you know, this affiliate did something different, or this, this person that own this company did something different? I’d be in a different situation. I mean, John, I had to write a multiple six figure check to Visa and MasterCard just to shut down the business at the end of the end of the end of the cycle. And so yeah, so much of it was people processes and then self that I just refuse to be open to, right. I just thought I knew everything. So at 30, just about into my 31st year, you know, I’m sitting there with no money left in the bank. The business is defunct, no employee sitting around, and somewhere between 40 and $60,000 in debt, and you know, just zooming back 18 or 24 months before it’s private planes and you know, Michelin restaurants and everything is magical to truck repossessed rental properties in foreclosure and about nothing there.
John Corcoran 14:55
What do you I’m a little bit fascinated with this. You know what people do? to rebound when you have nothing when you’ve hit flat bottom, what did you do? Did you get a job somewhere? What did you? I did
Ryan Niddel 15:08
I did so I was just burnout with the internet in my mind it wasn’t the internet was gonna go away. It wasn’t something like that it was okay web hosting work, but it didn’t really because, you know, we didn’t pay attention, the ratios, this internet landscape that I had a merchant processing business and didn’t work out for me. So I’m gonna get back into what I refer to as hand to hand combat, right, I knew I could sell and I looked at that so I can go back and sell cars but now I’m gonna have to eat crow because I left that industry kind of on the high side I’m I have to admit that I completely failed to jump back into this and gosh, my egos not gonna allow me to do that at all. So my my girlfriend at that point who’s now my wife had her brother was getting married. So I had to go get a suit for the wedding and found somebody to make a custom suit for me and said, You know, I’m in between the opportunities right now, would you mind teaching me this craft? Would you would you hire me as a salesperson? I know I can sell stuff. said yeah, you know, there’s no, there’s really no risk for me. I already have the fabric book sitting around if you generate income, that’s great. And if not, I’m not I don’t anything. Of course, I’ll teach it to you. And so he taught me the art of say of haberdashery and what it was like to travel the country and literally sell sell custom clothing to wealthy individuals.
John Corcoran 16:15
And how how, like old school is that? I mean, that that’s like a profession that’s been around forever and probably isn’t gonna go away even with the Internet.
Ryan Niddel 16:23
Correct? Correct. And as I looked at it, John, Columbus, Ohio, has a level of wealth. But, you know, many individuals that didn’t care much about Joseph Banks was a fine place to buy suits, and I’m not disparaging what it would be like to buy from Joseph Banks. I’ve done it before myself, but I had to go to towns, you know, cities like New York City, Chicago, some wealthy suburbs of southern Kentucky, out here in Salt Lake City, but didn’t have the money. I couldn’t fly. So I would hop in this 98 Cadillac Sedan deVille it was tan with a tan leather bench bench seat in the front of burnt oil like crazy. And I would get in my car 230 in the morning and drive to New York City. It’s about a nine hour drive. I would meet people from noon until 6pm.
John Corcoran 17:03
How did you meet people? How did you set up appointments?
Ryan Niddel 17:05
Yeah, so it was a lot of referrals, but really a lot of social media impact. So I wasn’t buying traffic, I didn’t have some sort of great sales funnel, it was a call to level of guerilla marketing, it was very intentional, consistent posting on social, it was finding the small centers of influence in those towns I started a conversation with, it would say, Hey, if you can get me in front of four or five people that would be interested in at least having conversation when I come to town, you know, I’ll invest in making you a sport coat on my dollar. Right? So it was using those those micro circles of influence. And then the name started to precede it precede me and not not myself, right. But the business itself, because I would come and I would measure you in person, I’d lay out everything I’d educate you. Then I came back and hand delivered it 45 days later. So I was getting those multiple touch points where once a first order came through, people start to feel really comfortable, and started to bring more and more clients. And so every 45 days, I’m driving to, you know, New York and back Chicago and back southern Kentucky and back. And the businesses is grown for me personally. But, John, I couldn’t help but notice some inefficiencies to where I’d be tired. And I wouldn’t put in my order for two or three days, I would transcribe or transpose numbers, right, because I’d written down the wrong way or read them the wrong way. Yeah. So I reached back out to my old web hosting cohorts, and design an app, that would take a picture of a body cross reference versus measurements against their standard deviation, and would allow me to not only ensure that the order was put in the right way, but also that all the fabric codes and everything was put in immediately. So all of a sudden, now this cash to cash cycle that could extend out as far as you know, gosh, as many as 18 weeks has now been cut down to four to five. So the value proposition starts spinning of, okay, now I’m my cash is coming a lot quicker. So I’m a lot happier, customers are happier because their suits are coming in quicker. And I take this app to the gentleman that taught me this business, said, Look what I built. This is this is great, right? Just, that’s foolish. We don’t need this, no, paper works fine email works fine. We’re never going to use that app said well, okay, like, I’m going to have to go out on my own then. Right, I believe in this so much. And so is able to use that app to leverage a relationship with a woman a factor to get a small piece of equity in a wool company in exchange for utilisation of the app and bringing the app into their platform. And so it allows a whole different level of scalability, where even now, last time I looked there, somewhere between 13 and 1500, haberdasherys, across the country still using this app, you know, very, very small royalty. But it was just an exciting season a time to then take all those lessons and go build my own company.
John Corcoran 19:35
Yeah, I mean, it goes to show you some of these really old school industries have been around for hundreds of years, they still aren’t leveraging some of the tools and technologies that are available to us. And these opportunities are everywhere. Really. Yeah,
Ryan Niddel 19:48
they are. And it’s it’s thinking about what we’re thinking about, as I say it, it’s just because we’ve done something one way for so long. It’s being able take that one step back and say is there anything we could do differently? Why Why have we chosen that way? Is there Any other way we could choose and just be really open to the possibilities that can exist, especially with like you said, some of these very classic, what I’ll call very boring businesses that haven’t yet had a level of leverage from technology from people to create a level of scalability. There’s a lot of those those hidden gems right, though the Warren Buffett, cigar butts, those little things, just a little bit of extra room left. Well, there’s a lot of extra room left plus consolidation of marketplace, you know, from acquisitions, a whole nother conversation we can have that just create that that enhanced multiple earnings for a company.
John Corcoran 20:29
I do want to talk about acquisitions, because that’s a goal of ours for our company this year, we put out a podcast episode about it recently. Before we get into that, though, I’m still on the top this topic of you know, one thing you point out, which I want to I don’t want to highlight is that, you know, you have to be with the right people. And it sounds like the haberdasher who helped get you from A to B when you were rebounding. Didn’t want to go to M or Z with you. And so you know, it’s a choice. Right, you then went and you found the wool manufacturer found someone that was a little more innovative, a little more open to adopting technology. I think that’s a great point.
Ryan Niddel 21:09
Yeah, absolutely. And it was it was unceremonious, as right. As I left the company, I felt like we parted on good ways. And then as we go through life, John, about 12 months down the road, maybe 14 or so. And I get served this nice legal document that’s an infringement upon a non compete, which didn’t actually exist and never signed it. But it was this thing of, right, everybody wants to see you succeed only to the point that you’re not interfering with them or succeeding past the level of their success. And it was one of those things where I wrestled back and forth with what’s honest with what’s ethical, right? Because I give so much value to this individual taught me this business. I mean, he’s still got a place in my heart. Because I look at it, it’s like, well, gosh, I presented everything I could to you. And you said no to this. So we ended up happening, John has ended up saying, Okay, I’m doing owner finance deal to my head of sales, I’m gonna step out of this, right, there’s no point in shutting down this business because it’s working. It’s thriving, I’m gonna pull myself out of it. Then a non competes very difficult to enforce in the state of Ohio, especially right with all the different things that go into it, and just stepped away from it right away, stepped away or sold it but owner finance in my head of sales and create a new corporation to hold hold the IP to it. And here we sit today,
John Corcoran 22:22
guy that’s gotta be such raw emotion emotions, to have been through that with that person, and then ended up in, you know, a legal dispute with them.
Ryan Niddel 22:32
Absolutely. Right. I did. But it taught that even taught me lessons of right, how do I want to show up? If I’m in that same situation? How would I show up? Right? At one point it was anger was frustration for me, it was confusion, that I’m sitting there saying, okay, I can kind of see it from his side. And for a second, here I am, I come in, he’s generating income off of my work. And I respect that that’s the way that industry works. He’s taught me a tremendous amount. He’s a person that has, again, a tremendous impact in my life. And obviously, I’m out on my own. And in his mind, I could have been, which I was not, but I could have been stealing clients that were proprietary to his business, right clients that I’ve met during the time I was with him, which that makes sense to me, in writing the business I’m in now people leave our company, they try to take our customers, I try to do all these things. And I do have to put that flag in the ground for a second and say, Whoa, hold on, we can’t do that. You can go create your own enterprise. I want you to be successful, but you can’t take my clients with you. So I get to work with
John Corcoran 23:28
them. Right, right. All right. You’re in all these different industries now. So you’ve got a beverage brand, you’ve got a manufacturing business, you’ve got a roofing and solar company. Well, how do you end up in all these different industries from there?
Ryan Niddel 23:44
Yeah, so really good question. I back out of the haberdashery business right as self proclaimed, and at that point, CBD was this new trending thing. People didn’t really know what CBD was at least the mass market, it was early to late 2015, early 2016. And so I jump into CBD, and I grow the CBD company direct to consumer from 16 to December of 2018. And I sell it off to a private equity group out of Pittsburgh. And in that I’m sitting around after 2018 enrollment in 2019, saying I have no clue what I’m gonna do next. I’m not independently wealthy enough that I can retire. But I’ve got enough that I can breathe again. I’m not I’m not panicked with where the incomes gonna come from the next month. But what do I want to do? So I launched a podcast right which was just me
John Corcoran 24:27
Ryan Niddel 24:31
Right, but it was it was me airing what I’ll say it was all my dirty laundry. It was the things you’re not supposed to talk about that I was so petrified John, I’d be successful later in life and someone who bring up the fact well, you failed at this business, or you did this thing that was wrong. And I said, gosh, am I able to share, share my version of the story so I can be in front of it. It was very cathartic to get it all out. Leading to John was eventually 120 130 episodes and it was seven days a week. It was very short form content. And I just put an offer and said if there’s anything I’ve ever Been through anything that I’ve shared that you think I can help you with? Just send me an email, my personal email address. And John, I wake up, you know, I think it was two days later might have been three and I had 1400 Plus emails in my personal email box of people asking for various things. But no sales funnel, no process, no, no business at all. No, no anything, just sharing. It’s okay. There’s something here, there’s something here to be open to. And so eventually turn that into a consulting business where it just so happened to some of the people that had reached out. We’re interested in all the things I did wrong, right? What did I do wrong during that of the web hosting company? What did I do wrong? During the merchant processing business? What did I do wrong during the CBD exit, because they want to learn that as they wanted to exit. And so that led to the season of life of I’ll say it was consulting, I don’t even know what the right term would be. I was having conversations with business owners that were burnout that were stressed, then, look, I just want to do this anymore. What are my options? How do I navigate these waters? What should I do next? And that sort of create this, this path, this process that I found to be very consistent across businesses, right. And that’s, it caused me start looking at business. And then just an incredibly simplistic form, that every business to me is marketing, operations, sales, and a level of finance or accounting, right? It’s just very, very basic. And as you look at building out a business, I’m an entrepreneur that wants to grow marketing and sales, because revenue is really fun and sexy to me. But if you look at it, like a table, what was the now your your food sliding off the table, because two legs are really high, and two legs haven’t grown at the same time. So starting to acknowledge that not only does that matter when you’re growing and scaling company, but also matters during an exit, because you need to shore up those those vulnerabilities for the next buyer. And if I look back over the seasons of what I had sold before, I didn’t do a good job of creating SOPs that were clearly documented that somebody off the street could come in and execute a level of efficiency, I didn’t do a great job and ensuring up the books and really making certain that they were dialed in for success for the next owner. And this led to this understanding of I called, you know, small market business growth of being able to come into a business that’s, you know, two, three $4 million here in annualized revenue, and having a very clear path to, you know, about 100 million in revenue, that there’s just seasons that businesses grow through to right from one to 5 million for me from five to maybe 10 to 15, then up to 25 and 50, than then 100. And every different business has a different season to it. And the seasons, while there might be small nuances to what are the changes that are ultimately the same right business to me is I’ll say consistent. Now, again, every business has a nuance to it, my, my beverage company has its own nuances with supply chain and issues with personnel that an educational based company doesn’t have, right, there’s no physical product. But nonetheless, the scalability issues are the same. They’re just mass in different different containers, right? If you’re, if you’re coaching and educating people, you’re gonna have to backfill with the right level of mentors to help educate the people, right, there’s gonna be a heightened level of customer support that’s needed, there’s going to be variables to expenses, you’re gonna have to monitor and measure. And so that’s, that’s that lean manufacturing, right? That Kaizen that incremental improvement, you know, that dedication to the small, incremental tweak consistently, and that’s been applicable across any vertical I found so far.
John Corcoran 28:06
How did you get into acquiring companies from consulting?
Ryan Niddel 28:11
Yeah, so after, gosh, I don’t know that eight 9/10 company that I walked hand in hand with them through their season of transition, sort of scratching my head and saying that consulting incomes good, right, this is great, but I’m not getting anything from the exit, right? Which is fine. I don’t I don’t know that I deserve something. But just dawned on me that this has kind of been a system that I’ve developed let me go back and talk to the the gentleman that I are and ladies that I’ve helped them sell their business and ask them if they’d ever be interested in in contributing to the acquisition of a business or being a passive investor which then lead into well gosh, just going
John Corcoran 28:45
back to your clients and saying what if we were to invest in in the process that I helped you with in acquiring another business? Okay.
Ryan Niddel 28:52
100% Because these exits, John were anywhere between 5 million and 200 million that I had walked side by side with people in and so 10 of the people said absolutely, it makes a lot of sense. So well hold on before before there’s any sort of money that exchanges hands let me make sure that you’re protected let me let me understand this other level of the game product called that micro PE world I guess it’s officially PE with right how do you become SEC accredited what are all the proper procedures you have to go through? How do you make certain that you’re you’re operating in an ethical and honest way? Because these are people that are friends now these are I would not only what I never want to burden somebody but now these are people I have a really intimate close relationship with. And so that’s how it came to fund structuring and understanding what goes on with that and right just the the capital pledges from these these past individuals that you know, allow me to be in a place of of course, you have the courses out there now that might teach you how to buy a business with no money out of pocket and there’s all types of different ways to structure acquisitions, but I prefer the more traditional mode of business has an intrinsic value to it. I can invest in it or or buy all of it with cash. It’s the most efficient way to do it.
John Corcoran 29:57
Yeah, what’s your favorite structure? Um, I’ve been reading a lot of books on this topic recently. But, you know, are you looking for, you know, the baby boomer who’s just done and wants to walk away? And, you know, you want to you only insist on, you know, seller financing or, you know, what’s your means of start? How do you if you have an ideal situation? How do you structure it?
Ryan Niddel 30:20
Yeah, really good question. So my ideal structure right now has been finding, finding businesses that have just hit a plateau. Right, and the plateau I like a business that’s at least been been around for four years. I think if you look at the trends that are available online, you start to see these tranches in which businesses might have to shut their doors. And there’s, there’s some places where they’re indicative of continuation. And that four year mark seems to be where it starts to flatten out quite a bit where you’re not having these businesses, you know, necessarily shut their door. I like what I refer to as accidental entrepreneurs, as founders and owner operators. Ones that maybe didn’t get an MBA that didn’t plan on this that were probably a salesperson before jumped into the role have been successful. Right. They’re not hemorrhaging cash. This isn’t. I don’t love turnarounds, myself, personally, I like things that are established that are cashflow positive. But I do want to physically talk to them and get to understand what’s important to them. Do they need? Are they looking for cash right now they want to be a part of something bigger on an exit, and structuring those true Win Win deals where but offense accommodation, it’s looked at as, as someone that has sold businesses before, if your business is worth five times, you know, net income EBITDA, however you want to look at it. Well, sir, it wouldn’t make sense for you to sell your business with 100% owner finance with a five year repayment because you’d make the same amount of money if you just held on to your business, right? Well, I couldn’t, I couldn’t ethically say that makes sense. What I could do is say, What about 82 times multiple right now? What if we structured some sort of hybridized deal where there’s another 2x Multiple that we pay out over, maybe it’s 18 months or 24, I’d like to use a cash flow of your own business. And let’s leave that 1x Multiple for either balloon payment at the end. Or if I sell off the company, again, which is my ultimate goal, you get a taste again, on the backside, if you’d be open to that you can choose at that point. And that’s been a really nice structure for me, where it seems to align the goals where I’m not looking to take the keys of somebody else’s castle and have them completely walk away. Like it’d be a nice transition period. But there’ll be an indoctrination period, right? Where this company has been established. It has its own culture, it has its own feel to it. And there has to be this changing of the garden. And I’m not the corporate raider type of person that’s going to walk in and say, Well, you know, I’ve got the keys, now you’re fired, you’re fired, you’re fired, you’re gonna increase net margin. It’s really quite opposite of that. It’s how can we rally people around this new direction we’re going because what I found is most businesses that have reached that level of stagnation and stagnation to me isn’t a negative word, our business that does $6 million a year in annualized revenue and a 15%, that margin is still a great business stone, right? People are making good money from that. But if you’ve been there for two or three years, or even, you know, a year and a half, you’re craving something more, you know, there’s something else out there, but you haven’t figured out what it is. And so I found you can dump a little gas on that fire and get people reignited and reinvigorated, that it’s a good win win for everybody involved.
John Corcoran 33:02
Let’s talk about some of the different businesses you’ve been involved in. So one, that’s interesting, simply because I’ve had a bunch of conversations with these types of companies is a roofing company and solar company. There are different approaches in the industry. There are roofing companies and their solar companies. And there’s some companies that provide both. And it sounds like what you’ve been doing is involved in a roll up where that you’re acquiring different companies that do both of those things. Talk about some of those challenges around that.
Ryan Niddel 33:29
Absolutely. So, so John, being in Columbus, Ohio, is primary residence from his home base for me, right, we’re in this nice little I called storm belt, where we’re not in Tornado Alley, down the center of our country, but we experience hail and wind storms and inclement weather, that actually insurance companies will invest in replacing your roof. If it meets certain criteria, typically 10 years or older, hail damage, wind damage, there’s things going on with him. And so when I started to understand that, that’s how that world works, now you have a business that essentially is cashflow positive from the start, because you can go out and you can spend time with homeowners, you can see the fact that oh, gosh, they very clearly have damaged, the insurance company pays you, you know, 5060 70% to start the job. So now your materials, all your profit comes in what we refer to as that second, check the check upon completion the job, so you’re not on any cash to start the process. And it’s this nice way to start to gain trust with the homeowner. Well, in this industry, we certainly are the first person to figure this out in Ohio. But again, these accidental entrepreneurs, they do a really good job of zero to maybe two and a half or 3 million, and then it just stops. And you ask them for their books or their accounting. And they give you access to their bank account, maybe an Excel spreadsheet, like there’s been there’s been no revenue recognition. There’s no controls put in place. It’s like saying, oh gosh, right. At some point, you’re probably nervous about falling off a roof. You’re probably nervous about some of what happens when there’s no storms, what happens all these things? Would you be interested in a potential exit? And a handful of people say yes, simultaneously looking at you know, those sunshine states you look at the even Southern Utah you Look at Arizona look at Nevada, where solar is kind of in that same same environment where, gosh, we want to lower the energy expense. There’s some good governmental aid programs and grants that exist and say, Okay, if we could have roofing on this side, and we could have solar solar is not as prevalent in Ohio, of course, right? We’re not quite as sunny as we’d like to be. Now of a sudden you have these two verticals that are running in parallel, what happens I combine them. And there’s a strategic play where there’s a publicly traded entity that is a solar company that said, hey, when you reach this amount of EBITDA, we’ll buy you for, you know, a very specific multiple of earnings. And that multiple earnings is a great arbitrage where I can pay really, really fair if not even top dollar to the small market roofing and solar companies make a really healthy, you know, variance between the two, for creating systems processes and standardization across the board, which is just I call it that lather rinse repeat process, it’s, it ends up being a variable of the same over and over and over again. And so it’s an intentional sprint, it’s saying, okay, that the markets only gonna stay where it’s at for so long. And that multiple over time, depending on the dry powder that exist, right, the free cash in those in those coffers, that publicly traded company is only gonna exist for so long. So it’s really pushed that forward and a very intentional way with the team to support it. And it’s been a really fun and exciting way to just look it up. Again, those boring businesses a service based business that you sit around and look and say, Why would anybody want to own that? Business that runs it, you know, 20 25% net income margin, you combine enough them together, you pick up another five points because of the consolidation in your cost of goods? Right? You’re gonna standardize accounting under standardized marketing your standardized sales. So now all of a sudden, you get that incremental growth across the board on every one of those verticals. And then you got something on the backside or buy it for three times more four times more than that I’m paying for it. And everybody’s happy. Right? It’s a it’s a good win for everyone. Yeah,
John Corcoran 36:47
that’s a that’s an amazing opportunity. There’s another one you’re involved in is a company that was doing $30 million, a couple years before you came in across it. And some people were talking about shutting it down. We were talking beforehand, before we started recording about how you’d love these sorts of little diamonds in the rough to like, take us through that one.
Ryan Niddel 37:09
Yeah, so this is one of those those fun lessons, right? This to me is more impactful than anything else is. There’s a business which I’d like to remain nameless right to there’s there’s no hard feelings. But I think sometimes we have those misgivings, we have those shortfalls. I think it’s the entrepreneurs decision on how they want to share that story. But there’s, there’s a company that specialised in sales and marketing. That was a 25 to $30 million annualized revenue company, very rapid growth, very charismatic, very large scale. And I got brought in late 2021, right, so are like 2022, I’m sorry, about a year ago. And in coming in, I’m seeing Okay, they’re kind of the same things that I’ve experienced, the revenue recognition process is way off base, the standardization of, of HR and controls aren’t there. There’s no onboarding and hiring processes, trailing liabilities, these incredible founders have determined that if we sack the bet, if we take all the money out of the bank out every month, we think our employees are going to work harder. So they’re taking distributions of 95% of the net income every month. And I come in and say, they’re asking me to help them get ready for a structured exit. Beautiful, would love to, and I’m going through my processes, to me, very simple, very logical. I just walk in, I get to be the dumbest guy in the room for a long period of time. What are you doing? How long have you been doing it for? Why do you do it that way? Have you tried anything else? And it’s literally the entire process through the business and there’s no right or wrong answer. It’s just an understand where someone’s at. And I’m going through this and over and over again. Nobody can really come up with a good amount of logic other than the founder said we had to do it this way. Okay, well, I’m open to that. So then I interview the founders. And they say, Yeah, we just thought that was the best way to do it. So okay, well, your, your revenue is on a downward trend. You build a shrine to yourself big offices, big burn rates, you’re gonna hit a financial cliff in the next four months. Is there something that’s, that’s coming that the trends show it that way? Ah, you’re crazy. That’ll never happen. Would it sell and market more? Yeah, I hope so. But ftdna would show some a little bit differently, right, you really start to dive into the financial trends of a business and it tells a story. And I’m sharing with them and in in helping to instal systems and processes, even just just how to run meetings and are things documented and structured in a way that that information gets disseminated across an organization. And we hit that we hit that cliff, and there was nothing left on the cliff. There’s no more runway there saying okay, well, now what do we do? So it’s very challenging to sell a business that’s inverted on cash flow, that doesn’t have a moat around it from an IP level protection. You don’t have a patent things pending you. You really have built this mechanism that isn’t all that proprietary. Now, we might be able to sell off some legacy data, but you’re talking pennies on the dollar. So we don’t want to do that and what other choices do we have? Well, I’m raise debt, leverage some things back in, consolidate down, get lean and mean, bring on an equity partner or capital funding partner. Well, we don’t want to do that. Okay, well, you guys can fund and then you’re the you know, the the owners can fund back into the business, or money’s tied up in other places. What we’re kind of at the end of the options I have in front of me right now and on how we could do this. So we agreed to part ways. password number three or four weeks later, and they shut down the business, all the staff, they walk away from a lease. And so you have this, this incredible business that was, you know, 10 or 20 million up to 30 million, that then 18 months later ceases to exist. And so much of it right was that almost the same timing, they were a little bit younger entrepreneurs were enough that age is indicative of success. But I remember so much of the ego that they were sharing at that point in time was the same ego I had a 29 30 31. Guys, I promise them into this. I know what you’re going through. Now we’ll figure it out. Okay, and it’s the old conversation of a John that success swing singles, quite often to me, we look for this big massive homerun to save the business alter the trajectory. It’s those it’s the atomic habit type of conversation. It’s it’s a small incremental changes it’s the minut details done consistently for long enough that altered the trajectory the business, you’re not going to come in and create some magic sales funnels is gonna dig out of a deep hole you’re in yet the first way to get out of the hole stop digging, right? It’s it’s a novel concept, but it’s just proven to be true over and over and over again, when when a company is hemorrhaging cash, stop for a second and analyze what do we actually need spend our money on? Sales funnels, probably not going to create your next windfall.
John Corcoran 41:35
So I’m mindful of the clock because I know I like getting my guests out on time when I promised to end on time. So these have been great stories. Ryan, I know you have a new podcast that’s coming out. So why don’t you plug that and then where else can people go to connect with you and learn more about you?
Ryan Niddel 41:50
Thanks, John. So much. So new podcasts coming out is called Rethinking Business. It’s gonna be on every platform, right and rethinking business. It’s not a lead generation for a salesman, although I appreciate that. I just feel compelled in the season of life that these stories that I’m sharing the lessons on the macro and on the micro, I hop on the mic, it’s a Monday, Wednesday, Friday show, the short form, it’s 20 Minutes or Less of just, hey, I thought I should go this way. I ran into a wall, I decided not to knock down the wall and think about things differently. Here’s the tools and systems that I use to go through that and here’s the outcome that I’m chasing right now. So, so no call to action with that. Then the other side, it’s just Ryan Niddel R-y-a-n N-i-d-d-e-l, it’s on every platform, right? So it’s Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, it’s always me behind the scenes, it’s responding to your messages, and would be honored to connect. And if there’s any information that I have, or resources I built, you’re more than welcome to.
John Corcoran 42:41
I’m glad you’re getting back on the podcast train. Because you know, you mentioned earlier that you got that massive result kind of started a new business, the 1400 emails or whatever that you got. And I can’t tell you how many times I’ve talked to people that started a podcast and then stopped it at some point. And if you deconstruct it, they got some huge wind from it. Right, like help their business on dramatic way. And yet they stopped for whatever reasons. I’m glad you’re getting back onto the onto the horse, so to speak. Ryan, thank you so much for your time.
Ryan Niddel 43:09
Thanks for having me, John. Really appreciate it.
Outro 43:11
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